Luís de Sousa
É investigador principal do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. Doutorou-se em Ciências Sociais e Políticas pelo Instituto Universitário Europeu de Florença em Julho 2002, com uma tese sobre politicas públicas de combate à corrupção. Foi Professor Auxiliar de Ciência Política da Universidade de Aveiro e investigador convidado do Edmond J. Safra Network da Universidade de Harvard. Também desempenhou funções de investigação no CIES-ISCTE/IUL, Australian National University, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute, Quality of Government Institute da Universidade de Gotemburgo, Universidade de Sofia e Universidade de Bucareste. É o coordenador responsável da rede de investigação sobre agências anti-corrupção (ANCORAGE-NET) e membro fundador e antigo presidente da Transparência e Integridade - Associação Cívica (TIAC), representação portuguesa da Transparency International. É consultor internacional e investigador correspondente da Comissão Europeia sobre políticas de controlo à corrupção. Tem várias publicações em revistas internacionais indexadas neste domínio
Artigo em Revista
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Working Paper
Policy Brief
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Artigo/Secção em Site
Designação | Encontro | Data |
Conclusões e implementação da avaliação de meio-termo do Plano Estratégico do CIP | Workshop Retiro do CIP 2018 | 01/11/2018 |
Participação eleitoral e candidaturas independentes nas eleições autárquicas | II Ciclo de Seminários Accountability, Transparência e Participação no Sector Público | 26/10/2018 |
Corrupción: malas leyes y malas instituciones o permisividad cultural? El caso portugués | Simposio Internacional, Las políticas de integridad en Latinoamérica: límites y posibilidades desde el servicio civil | 04/10/2018 |
La formación en ética y las políticas de integridad | Simposio Internacional, Las políticas de integridad en Latinoamérica: límites y posibilidades desde el servicio civil | 03/10/2018 |
Directrices para la gestión de los conflictos de interés en el sector público | Simposio Internacional, Las políticas de integridad en Latinoamérica: límites y posibilidades desde el servicio civil | 02/10/2018 |
Integridad y el impulso de la carrera pública meritocrática | Simposio Internacional, Las políticas de integridad en Latinoamérica: límites y posibilidades desde el servicio civil | 02/10/2018 |
Políticas de integridad en Portugal y Europa | Simposio Internacional, Las políticas de integridad en Latinoamérica: límites y posibilidades desde el servicio civil | 01/10/2018 |
Corrupção e Democracia | Conversas na Loggia | 13/09/2018 |
Measuring social propensity to tolerate corruption: The Negative Social Capital Index | ECPR General Conference | 22/08/2018 |
Corruption risk assessments and prevention plans | Seminario Internacional sobre cultura de la legalidad y lucha contra la corrupción | 11/06/2018 |
Comparing Models of Anti-Corruption Agencies | Training Session Agència Valenciana | 30/05/2018 |
Corruption risk assessments and prevention plans: the portuguese experience | Training Session Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia | 28/05/2018 |
An institutional analysis of the quality of local democracy: the case of Portugal | Congresso APCP 2018 | 20/04/2018 |
Do mayoral term limits influence public spending in local authorities? - The case of Portugal | Congresso APCP 2018 | 20/04/2018 |
An institutional analysis of the quality of local democracy: the case of Portugal | Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2018 | 27/03/2018 |
Globalisation and democracy: from government to governance? | Master Globalization, Sociopolitical Change and Crisis of Democracy | 16/03/2018 |
Globalization and the EU governance system: the importance of innovation policies | Master Globalization, Sociopolitical Change and Crisis of Democracy | 16/03/2018 |
Transparência, Corrupção e Qualidade da Democracia | Ciclo de tertúlias: Dobrando o Tempo, Dobrando uma Esquina | 14/12/2011 |
Os planos de prevenção de riscos organizacionais e a sua importância na gestão autárquica | XXXI Colóquio Nacional da ATAM | 10/12/2011 |
Le rôle de la société civile contre la corruption | Conférence à Alger sur la lutte contre la corruption | 01/12/2011 |
Le rôle de la société civile contre la corruption | La corruption: détection, prévention, répression - Formation continue des magistrats | 01/10/2011 |
Improving the Institutionalisation of Anti-Corruption Agencies: Guidelines and Recommendations | Fourth Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption | 01/10/2011 |
Corrupção e Qualidade da Democracia: o que pensam os portugueses | Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2011 | 23/09/2011 |
Reviewing Anti-Corruption Agencies: Searching for Best Practice | Renforcement législatif de la lutte contre la corruption | 01/09/2011 |
NIS Advocacy Planning - Portugal | NIS Advocacy Planning Meeting | 01/09/2011 |
The Quality of Democracy in Southern Europe: Methods, Theories and Policy Outreach | 6th ECPR General Conference | 01/08/2011 |
The Quality of Democracy: The Portuguese case | 6th ECPR General Conference | 01/08/2011 |
Assessing the state of anti-corruption in the EU | Tackling Corruption Across the EU | 12/07/2011 |
O que pensam os Portugueses sobre corrupção? Uma sinopse de investigação | XXIX Curso de formação teórico-prática de Magistrados para os Tribunais Judiciais, Grupo de Docentes de Penal e Processo Penal | 21/06/2011 |
Risk assessment and risk mapping: international perspectives and tools | Integrity Policy and Practice for the Public Servants of Croatian Ministry of Finance (MoF) | 01/06/2011 |
Democracia, Ética e Corrupção | Colloquium Iuris | 30/05/2011 |
Preparing parallel reports: experiences from other review processes | Training to strengthen civil society capacity on the United Nations Convention against corruption and its review mechanism | 01/02/2011 |
Drafting the NIS Report: Transforming information into Knowledge | ENIS Kick-Off Workshop | 01/01/2011 |
The Microcosm of European Integration:Some exploratory notes on cross-border cooperation within the EU framework | Terceiro encontro sobre A Dimensão Subnacional da Integração Regional na Europa e na América Latina | 01/10/2010 |
Beyond Rubber Stamp Monitoring: Challenges to Political Financing Regulation | Support to the Effective Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy in Turkey Project | 01/10/2010 |
On the concept of information: an administrative governance perspective by T. Blom in the international conference | Politics and Culture of Europe: 'European Studies' State-of-the-Art | 01/06/2010 |
The methods and politics of performance measurement for Anti-Corruption Agencies | EuropeAid Anti-corruption seminar Global Workshop For EU Delegation | 01/06/2010 |
Measuring Corruption Permissiveness in Europe: The Negative Social Capital Index | Quality of Government Institute Seminar Series | 01/06/2010 |
Transparência & Desenvolvimento: A avaliação de impactos no sector da indústria extractiva | 1.ª Conferência da Rede de Língua Portuguesa de Avaliação de Impactos. Transportes, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Avaliação de Impactos | 01/06/2010 |
Beyond rubber stamp monitoring: Challenges to PF regulation | Conference on Party Financing Regulation: New Regulatory Developments | 01/06/2010 |
Corrupção: Justiça e Impunidade | 5ª edição da Semana da Responsabilidade Social: Rumo a uma Ética Global | 01/05/2010 |
The microcosm of European Integration: Mobility, Transactions, Cooperation and Cultural Change in the Luso-Spanish border regions | The Sub-National Dimension of Regional Integration - The Cases of the EU and MERCOSUR | 01/05/2010 |
A Corrupção Participada em Portugal 2004-2008: Apresentação e análise de resultados globais de uma pesquisa em curso | II Jornada de Trabalho Contra a Corrupção em Portugal | 01/04/2010 |
"I don't bribe, I just pull some strings": Assessing the fluidity of social representations on corruption in the Portuguese society | Corruption in a Globalising World: Challenges and Change | 01/04/2010 |
Anti-Corruption Agencies: Between Empowerment and Irrelevance. | International Conference Specialized Anticorruption Agencies: independent to be effective, effective to lose independence | 01/03/2010 |
The microcosm of European Integration: Mobility, Transactions, Cooperation and Cultural Change in the Luso-Spanish border regions | Panel The Microcosm of European Integration - Mobility, Transactions, Cooperation, Cultural Change and Identity in EU Border Regions: The Case of Portugal and Spain in Comparative Perspective. V Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association | 01/03/2010 |
Research notes on surveying citizens' attitudes towards corruption | Program Workshop "Comparative Citizen Surveys on Corruption & Integrity" | 01/02/2010 |
Assessing political elite and mass public support for Europe - The case of Portugal | International Conference Parliamentary representation: the Portuguese case in comparative perspective | 19/06/2009 |
The Democratization of Corruption in Portugal: some exploratory notes | International Conference The role of patronage in Portuguese and Lusophone Politics | 09/05/2009 |
Democracia, Cidadania e Transparência | First Conference on Good Governance and Regulation | 31/03/2009 |
A corrupção participada em Portugal e a necessidade de novas respostas institucionais | Conferência Internacional Qualidade da Atuação do Sistema de Defesa Social | 17/12/2008 |
Assessing elite and public mass perceptions about Europe: the case of Portugal | Os deputados portugueses em perspectiva comparada: eleições, liderança e representação política | 09/12/2008 |
Anti-corruption agencies: between empowerment and irrelevance | 8th Annual European Partners against Corruption (EPAC) | 19/11/2008 |
Institutional responses to corruption in the Balkans: the case of anti-corruption agencies | International Conference Challenges to democratic governance in new democracies in CEE and the Balkans | 10/10/2008 |
Anti-corruption agencies as central pieces in a national integrity system | International Conference Patterns of Corruption in the 21st Century | 07/10/2008 |
Anti-Corrupção: o décimo princípio de governança e responsabilidade empresarial do Global Compact das Nações Unidas | Workshop on Social Responsibility | 11/03/2008 |
Policy for limiting conflict of interests: The experience of EU member-states and institutions | Conference Efficient Mechanisms for Conflict of Interests Management | 24/01/2008 |
As agências anti-corrupção como peças centrais de um sistema nacional de integridade | O Papel de Uma Agência Anti-Corrupção: Que Formato, Que Poderes, Que Recursos e Que Contexto São Relevantes para o Seu Sucesso | 27/10/2007 |
Discussing ICT Solutions to Boost Transparency, Accountability and Professionalisation in Municipal Politics | ECPR General Conference 2007: Local government in Southern Europe: Exploring common patterns of institutions and policies | 06/10/2007 |
TI in search of a constituency: the franchising of the global anti-corruption movement (an overview of the National Chapters formation, nature and quality) | Workshop 4 Democracy in movements. Conceptions and practices of democracy in contemporary social movements | 12/05/2007 |
"I don't bribe, I just pull some strings": Assessing the Fluidity of Social Representations on Corruption in the Portuguese Society | Workshop Corruption and Democracy in Europe | 29/03/2007 |
A Internacionalização do Combate à Corrupção: Actores, Processos e Impactos | Combate à Corrupção, Prioridade da Democracia | 26/03/2007 |
Corrupção, democracia e desenvolvimento: impacto tónico ou tóxico? | Conferencia Prevenir e combater a corrupção | 05/03/2007 |
Social Capital and Corruption | Workshop European Social Survey 2004 | 09/02/2007 |
Institucionais de Combate à Corrupção: notas de investigação sobre o projecto ANCORAGE-NET | Research Seminar | 12/01/2007 |
Corrupção e Ética em Democracia: O Caso de Portugal | Seminário de Almoço do ICS | 20/10/2006 |
Assessing the informality gap of political financing through the cost monitoring of electoral campaigns: The case of Portugal | Conference Counteracting Political Corruption: Challenges and Mechanisms | 03/07/2006 |
Corrupção: Conceito, Medição, Efeitos, Estruturas de Oportunidade e Medidas de Controlo | 5th Session of Judiciary Sociology of the 21st Edition of the National Training Course for Magistrates | 21/06/2006 |
Exploratory Comparative Results Based on the Questionnaire for Heads of National Anti-Corruption Agencies (Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Republic of Montenegro, Romania, Slovak Republic) | International Workshop European Anti-Corruption Agencies: Protecting The Community's Financial Interests in a Knowledge-Based, Innovative and Integrated Manner | 17/05/2006 |
A corrupção e o seu combate a nível internacional: actors, processos e impactos | Research Seminar | 03/05/2006 |
Corruption and Ethics in Democracy: The case of Portugal | Workshop Corruption and Democracy | 31/03/2006 |
Respostas Institucionais de Combate à Corrupção: notas de investigação sobre o papel das Agências Anti-Corrupção (ACAs) | Research Seminar | 20/02/2006 |
Institucionais de Combate à Corrupção: notas de investigação sobre o papel das Agências Anti-Corrupção (ACAs) | I Annual Series of Workshops by Young Social Scientists 2005-2006 | 15/02/2006 |
Velhas práticas, novas exigências: algumas considerações sobre a corrupção e seu controlo no sector privado | XII Conferência Nacional do IPAI, Auditoria Interna e Responsabilidade Social | 23/11/2005 |
Regional Parliaments in Europe and Latin America: Between Empowerment and Irrelevance | First Global International Studies Conference | 24/08/2005 |
Institutional responses to corruption: some general considerations about the role of Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs) | First Global International Studies Conference | 24/08/2005 |
Challenges to political financing regulation: sound external monitoring/enforcement and sensible internal party accountability | International Conference Corruption Control in Political Life and the Quality of Democracy: A Comparative Perspective Europe - Latin America | 19/05/2005 |
Regional Parliaments in Europe and Latin America: Between Empowerment and Irrelevance | Fifth Pan-European Conference of the Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) | 09/10/2004 |
Regional Parliaments in Europe and Latin America: Between Empowerment and Irrelevance | XXV Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA2004) | 07/10/2004 |
Enforcing standards of financial propriety to political parties: the case of Portugal | workshop Tackling corruption in politics: Enforcement of campaign finance regulations | 27/05/2004 |
Ethics inside party organisations | Second Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association | 19/01/2004 |
Public opinion reactions to corruption and dissatisfaction with democracy in Europe | International Conference "Democracy: New Challenges, New Horizons" | 08/05/2003 |
Regulating conflicts of interest in parliament by placing legal constraints on MPs the cases of Britain, France and Portugal | ECPR Workshop on "Corruption, Scandal and the Contestation of Governance in Europe" | 06/04/2001 |
Corruption, Elections & Voters - An assessment on the impact of corruption as a voting issue in Britain and Portugal during the downfall of the Social-democrat and Conservative majorities | First Congress of The Portuguese Political Science Association | 09/12/1999 |
Corruption and Parties in Portugal | Conference on "Political Parties and Corruption" | 18/04/1999 |
Corrupção e o seu controlo em democracias em transição: o caso de Moçambique | Conferência Internacional "Ética e Transparência" | 22/04/1998 |
As Nações Unidas para a Paz e Desenvolvimento: Uma Sinopse da Acção Internacional da O.N.U. Pós-1945 | Paz e Desenvolvimento - Prémio Boutros Boutros-Ghali | 01/01/1995 |