EE-T Economics e-Translations into and from European Languages, An Online Platform

EE-T Economics e-Translations into and from European Languages, An Online Platform

The language of political economy has been one of the basic traits of the European public debate since the 18th century and an essential element of the construction of Europe and its identity.  Now there is a need to build a sense of European belonging based on historical knowledge, and acknowledging how economic texts circulated, were transformed and adapted to different cultural contexts, how they were debated and applied, is essential to answer this need.

In the framework described above, this project has the aim to promote a digital interactive educational tool focused on translations of economic texts according to the following principles:

The use of economic e-texts and online platforms will transform the teaching of economics in a very innovative way, by allowing direct experiences of texts, the search of specific terms or phrases, comparisons between translations, interaction with research. This will promote critical attitudes, creativity and innovative ideas.

The focus on the international circulation of economic texts will contribute to the understanding of how the ‘economic viewpoint', the language of economics and the different economic traditions (liberal, socialist, Christian, interventionist, corporative) have become a key component of the European ‘model' in policy and social relations. This tool will be useful not only for the teaching of economics and history of economic thought, but also of European studies and contemporary European history.

The multidisciplinary use of the platform will allow students of economics to profit from lecturing by Language for Specific Purposes teachers, and students of Language for Specific Purposes languages and translation studies from lecturing by professionals of History of Economic Thought. This tool will also favour the transfer of knowledge from research to education in some of the more advanced trends of research in business and economic languages,  and comparative, contrastive and trans-national linguistic studies.

Finally, the transfer between research and education and innovation will be stimulated by the application of ICT to the conservation and promotion of the European cultural heritage, stimulating innovative and entrepreneurial ideas. More specifically, the project will encourage graduate students'  self-entrepreneurship by encouraging initiatives in the network information industry both in the business and in the cooperative area.

Entidade participante
Comissão Europeia
Informal network on European History of Economic Thought

History of economics;


Electronic Databases;

Economics teaching

The language of political economy has been one of the basic traits of the European public debate since the 18th century and an essential element of the construction of Europe and its identity.  Now there is a need to build a sense of European belonging based on historical knowledge, and acknowledging how economic texts circulated, were transformed and adapted to different cultural contexts, how they were debated and applied, is essential to answer this need.

In the framework described above, this project has the aim to promote a digital interactive educational tool focused on translations of economic texts according to the following principles:

The use of economic e-texts and online platforms will transform the teaching of economics in a very innovative way, by allowing direct experiences of texts, the search of specific terms or phrases, comparisons between translations, interaction with research. This will promote critical attitudes, creativity and innovative ideas.

The focus on the international circulation of economic texts will contribute to the understanding of how the ‘economic viewpoint', the language of economics and the different economic traditions (liberal, socialist, Christian, interventionist, corporative) have become a key component of the European ‘model' in policy and social relations. This tool will be useful not only for the teaching of economics and history of economic thought, but also of European studies and contemporary European history.

The multidisciplinary use of the platform will allow students of economics to profit from lecturing by Language for Specific Purposes teachers, and students of Language for Specific Purposes languages and translation studies from lecturing by professionals of History of Economic Thought. This tool will also favour the transfer of knowledge from research to education in some of the more advanced trends of research in business and economic languages,  and comparative, contrastive and trans-national linguistic studies.

Finally, the transfer between research and education and innovation will be stimulated by the application of ICT to the conservation and promotion of the European cultural heritage, stimulating innovative and entrepreneurial ideas. More specifically, the project will encourage graduate students'  self-entrepreneurship by encouraging initiatives in the network information industry both in the business and in the cooperative area.

- To create a dynamic triangle of knowledge between research, postgraduate education and innovation by promoting the joint application of both ICT tools and the innovative trends of research in the History of Economic Thought (HET) and the study of European Languages for Special Purposes (LSP). <p>In order to reach this objective, the project will develop an online platform containing a systematic and classified database of digital published translations of economic texts in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries into and from various European languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, French, Turkish, etc). The online platform will contain guides to the reading and/or to the linguistic, semantic and textual analysis of the texts included in the database, questionnaires and exercises, online lectures, critical essays, a forum and other educational tools.</p><p>- To establish an interdisciplinary collaboration between History of Economic Thought (HET) scholars and linguistics and foreign language scholars, especially experts in Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP). </p><p>- To develop multilingualism and inter-culturalism at the European level, as a basis for a more conscious European citizenship. </p><p> </p>
State of the art: 
In several European universities, undergraduate (1st cycle) graduate (2nd and 3rd cycle) degrees in economics and management include teaching modules on History of Economic Thought (hereafter HET) among the subjects designed for &lsquo;diverse knowledge widening'. <p>A specific and strategic need for university education&nbsp; in HET has been particularly felt since the sub-prime crisis of 2008, as indicated by various official declarations. The study and analysis of historical texts of economics&nbsp; allows a useful&nbsp; learning&nbsp; from the past so as to avoid delusions deriving from a blind application of economic models. </p><p>Since its origins, the economic science has been a subject of public discussion and public enlightenment. It has spread across frontiers as the language of public opinion. The international circulation of economic ideas was fostered by translations of economic texts. These were performed both as individual initiatives and as part of more systematic publishing initiatives such as specialised series of economic texts, digests, handbooks, etc. </p><p>In order to fully understand the economic texts of the past it is very important to underline the linguistic aspects. Every economic text of the past has indeed been translated from the original language into other European languages&nbsp; in a specific way,&nbsp; using&nbsp; specific terms&nbsp; that reflect the historical and political context of the period.&nbsp; A linguistic analysis of the different translations made is therefore necessary to fully understand the history of economic thought. </p>
Rede Internacional
António Almodovar
Carlos Bastien
Coordenador Geral 
Marco Guidi, Università di Pisa
Coordenador ICS 
Referência externa 
Data Inicio: 
Data Fim: 
23 meses