Conferência: "Shaping Regional Futures"
Keynote speaker: Simin Davoudi, Newcastle University
Regional Imaginaries and the Politics of Rescaling
In recent decades, European integration and the territorialization of cohesion funds have pushed for greater convergence between spatial planning and regional development policies whilst stressing the need for place-based approaches and new territorial governance arrangements. Alongside and outside statutory planning systems, new planning spaces and soft planning processes have emerged calling for planning solutions that challenge long-standing practices in view of greater coordination and success on investments. Settled political territorial boundaries as well as traditional regulatory planning modes are pushed towards new processes of strategy-making and governance rescaling between formal and informal structures and institutions. However, cross-fertilization between regional development policies and spatial planning remains feeble and the expected outcomes of place-based territorial policies have fallen short of expectations. This seminar aims at discussing how the mobilization of soft planning spaces may foster institutional capacity for strategic spatial planning at regional level and strengthen spatial visioning and development for regions in the near and long-term future.
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