Student Guide

Student Guide

Welcome to the Student Guide! Here you will find all the necessary information to guide you during your academic stay at ICS‑ULisboa, including links to the various pages of our website where you will find the most updated information.



The Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the Universidade de Lisboa offers PhD, Master's and Post-Graduation programmes, many of which in association with other schools and universities. Visit the pages below for more information regarding the programmes we offer.

Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar defines de periods for classes, evaluations, and administrative acts that take place during the academic year.


Academic Acts

The academic acts englobe all of the processes regarding the academic stay of a studnet at ICS-ULisboa, some of which have set period in the academic calendar. Many of these processes are centralized in th FenixEdu plataform, which allows for an updated view of the information made avaliable by the student, and of their academic performance as students at ICS-ULisboa.


Personal Information

Students can consult the personal details that were previously made available through the FenixEdu platform by selecting the options myFenix > Personal Info > Personal Data. It is the students' responsibility to keep their personal information up to date. Requests to update the information must be submitted at myFenix > Services > Requistions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Update Personal Details.

When students enrol at the Instituto de Ciências Socias of the Universidade de Lisboa to develop their final work, a profile is created in the "People" tab of our website. In this profile, in addition to the dissertation topic, the list of articles published by the student are made available. For this profile to be created, the request must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform in myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Profile - ICS Website.

To ensure that the profile is as up-to-date as possible, all publications should be sent to

To update the files and information made available, please submit a new request for Profile - ICS Website through the FenixEdu platform.


Students must enrol in courses through the FenixEdu platform at Student > Enrol > Enrolment Processes. Enrolment periods are published on the Academic Calendar. Once the enrolment period has ended, students not enrolled must send an e-mail to so that a process for "Enrolment (after deadline)" can be unblocked, for which the payment of "practice of acts past deadline" is applied, as provided for in the Table of Fees.

The enrolment process at ICS-ULisboa is an annual process, so students must enrol in the 1st and 2nd semester at the beginning of the academic year.

The enrolment process is not available for students who are subject to a block on academic acts.

Once enrolled, students can request to change the enrolment in curricular units within the periods published on the Academic Calendar. This request must be made by email to Requests submitted after the deadline are subject to payment for "practicing of acts past deadline", as stipulated in the Table of Fees.

Students may request the cancellation of enrolment in curricular units at any time during the academic year.

The request for cancellation of enrolment in curricular units must be submitted by email to If the cancellation request results in an enrollment totaling 30 ECTS, the student may request a change to the Part-Time General Regime.

The request to cancel enrolment/registration implies the cancellation of enrolment in all the curricular units that the students is enrolled in under a registration.

The requests for cancellation of enrolment/registration must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Cancel Registration / Enrolment. We remind you that, as provided in Regulamento de Propinas da Universidade de Lisboa, article 8, no. 5, the student is obliged to pay the tuition fees for which the due date has passed.

Students enrolled at ICS-ULisboa in programmes whose study plans include the attendance of elective curricular units may request to be enrolled in curricular units at other schools of the Universidade de Lisboa under the regime of Internal Mobility at ULisboa. This request must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Enrolment in Internal Mobility at ULisboa .

Students can request the attribution of statutes that guarantee them specific conditions through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Special Evaluation Status Regime.


Students with the Worker-Student status have access to different assessment periods, as provided for in Academic Calendar.

  • Employees must submit the last three pay slips or social security declaration from the company where they work.
  • Self-employed workers must submit a declaration of commencement of activity and a declaration of social security with the respective contributions.

Students are automatically enrolled in the Normal Period for Evaluations of the curricular units they are enrolled in.

In case they are not approved at a curricular unit, students may request to be enrolled in the Improvement Period by e-mail to and upon the payment of a €15 enrolment fee per curricular unit, as provided by in the Table of Fees.

By the end of the academic year, and in case they have not been approved in a maximum of 3 curricular units, students may request to be enrolled in the Special End of Curricular Component Period by e-mail to and upon the payment of a €15 enrolment fee per curricular unit, as provided by in the Table of Fees.

Enrollment in the 2nd year of a master's or doctoral programme constitutes the beginning of the preparation of the final work, which is subject to registration in the Registo Nacional de Teses e Dissertações (RENATES). The elaboration of the final work must meet the stipulated criteria in the Regulamento de Estudos de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Lisboa and the regulation of the programme attended.

For more information about the preparation, registration, format and other matters related to the final work, see the page Elaboration of Final Work.

Students who have attended all the curricular years provided for in the programme's study plan and who have not finished their final work must apply for an extension. This request must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option  Create > Requisition Type: Requisition. The favorable opinions of the supervisors must be attached to this request in the appropriate tab.

Once the extension is authorized, students must complete the enrolment process on the FenixEdu platform at Student > Enrol > Enrolment Process, enrolling in the curricular units referring to the elaboration of the final work of the last curricular year of their programme.

For students enrolled in doctoral programmes, if they have already passed the five years of registration of the final work theme, which begins in the 2nd curricular year, they must submit an application for re-entry.

Re-entry is the act by which a student re-enrols in a programme they have already been enrolled in, or a programme that has succeeded it. There are two situations in which it is necessary to submit an application for re‑entry:

- If students have interrupted their studies,

they must submit a new application with all the required documentation for an initial application to the programme. The application is then sent to the Scientific Committee of the Programme for evaluation. If the re‑entry is approved, a curricular integration will be carried out, an accreditation process in search of equivalences between the curricular units already attended by the student and the curricular units foreseen in the current study plan. In the case of courses whose study plan has been altered during the student's period of interruption of studies, it may be necessary to attend 1st year curricular units for which equivalences were not found in the curricular integration process.

- PhD students who have not interrupted their studies but have completed the five years of registration of the final work provided for in Regulamento de Estudos de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Lisboa, article 30, no. 3,

must submit an application with all the documentation provided for an initial application to the programme, replacing the letters of recommendation with declarations from the supervisors justifying the reason for not completing the final work within the foreseen five-year period. The application is then sent to the Scientific Committee of the Programme for evaluation. If the re‑entry is approved, students must register as described in the "Extension" section.

Students will also need to submit a new request for Registration of Thesis Theme through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Registration of Thesis Theme.

Re-entry applications must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform at Candidate Portal > Applications, where they must select the option Create in the application process called Re-Entry. The application must be submitted within the deadlines established on the Academic Calendar. We remind you that, as provided for in the Academic Calendar, enrolment in the current academic year after the end of the civil year is not allowed.

The Accreditation Request is required by students who wish to see accredited in the programme in which they are enrolled:

  • training carried out within the scope of other higher education cycles leading to a degree in national or foreign higher education institutions, either obtained within the framework of the organization resulting from the Bologna Process or previously obtained;
  • training carried out within the scope of technological specialization programmes (CET) and higher professional technical programmes (CTSP);
  • curricular units successfully completed, under the terms of article 46-A of the RJGDES;
  • training carried out within the scope of non-academic degree programmes at national or foreign higher education institutions;
  • competencies not covered by the previous paragraphs, namely those resulting from other training, professional or living experience.

These requests must be made through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Accreditation Request.

Accreditation processes are managed as stipulated in the  Regulamento de Creditação e Integração Curricular de Experiências Profissionais e Formações Académicas da Universidade de Lisboa.

As stipulated in the Regulamento do Estudante em Regime Geral a Tempo Parcial da Universidade de Lisboa, article 3, no. 1, students registered for a maximum of 30 ECTS may apply for a change to a General Part-Time Regime to which a specific tuition fee is applied, as provided for in Table of Tuitions.

The request to change to the General Part-Time Regime must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Requisition.

The deadlines for the delivery and defense of the final master's and doctoral works may be suspended, by decision of the legal and statutorily competent body of the school, for situations that occur during the period for the delivery and defense of the final work:

  • Parenting;
  • Serious and prolonged illness or serious accident of the student;
  • Assistance to a member of the family suffering from a serious and prolonged illness;
  • Other situations provided for by law or socially acceptable.

Suspension periods do not suspend the payment of tuition fees during enrolment in curricular years, and this period is added to the deadline for submitting the final work within the extension period.

Requests for Suspension of Deadline must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Requisition.

For more information about this type of request, you should consult the Regulamento de Estudos de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Lisboa, article 10.

The block on academic acts is applied to students who are in at least one of the following situations:

  • Students who are in debt to the ICS or any other School of the Universidade de Lisboa. As provided in the Regulamento de Propinas do ICS, article 11, no. 4, non-payment of tuition fees implies the suspension of academic acts, such as enrolment processes, as well as the inhibition of obtaining certification of academic information corresponding to the period for which the tuition fee owed is due.
  • ICS Library Debtors. Students who do not have their file regularized at the Library are prohibited from enrolling in the academic year.

FCT Research Grants

For the purposes of awarding and renewing FCT research grants, it is necessary to present a proof of enrolment and a declaration from the host institution. These documents must be requested through the FenixEdu platform:

  • Proof of Enrolment: myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Enrolment Proof.
  • Declaration of the Host Institution: myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Host Institution Declaration [FCT].

According to the Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da FCT, article 18, grants guarantee the payment of training costs to the institutions where the grant holders are enrolled. To ensure that you are given the research grant status and that the debt related to training costs is properly allocated to FCT, you must submit your research grant contract and subsequent renewal contracts through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option  Create Requisition Type: FCT Contract.


Students may consult their account at any time through the FenixEdu platform at Student > View > View Account. Here, they will find updated information about their debt and respective ATM references. They may also print our invoices and receipts.

Students must make payments of their debt using one of two methods:

  • ATM references: The payment references are available in the FenixEdu platform at Student > View > View Account > on the tab Payment References.
  • Credit Card: Through the FenixEdu platform it is possible to make payments using a credit card at Student > View > View Account > selecting the option Online Payment. The platform accepts virtual credit cards issued through services such as PayPal, Revolut, MBWay, among others.

If a student finds that they have a credit amount in their account with the ICS, they can submit a refund request through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitons > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Refund Request.

Students who are temporarily unable to pay tuition fees can apply for a debt settlement plan through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Payment Plan. These requests are regulated by the Regulamento dos Planos de Regularização de Dívidas por não Pagamento de Propinas da Universidade de Lisboa.

If an entity wishes to pay for a student's tuition, the student must contact the Serviço de Gestão Académica ( to inform which amounts will be paid and if it is necessary to issue invoices with information required by the entity. We also inform you that, if it is necessary to include any details in the invoices, they must be communicated prior to the payment of the debts to which they refer.


Document that proves the acceptance of a student into a programme after an application process. This document indicates the academic year in which the student is accepted into the programme.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platform, myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Declaration of Acceptance.

Cost: Free

Document that proves the enrolment of a student in a given academic year in a given programme and that lists the curricular units in which the student is enrolled.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Enrolment Proof.

Cost: Free.

Declaration that proves that a student financial account with ICS is regularized.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Declaration of No Debt.

Cost: Free.

Document issued on official paper that proves the enrolment of a student in a given academic year in a given programme and that lists the curricular units in which the student is enrolled.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Enrolment Certificate.

Cost: € 10 (PT)
An urgency fee and translation fee apply as stipulated in the Table of Fees.

Document issued on official paper that proves the registration in a given programme. This document refers only to the academic year of the initial registration, in other words the academic year of entry into the programme.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Registration Certificate.

Cost: € 10 (PT)
An urgency fee and translation fee apply as stipulated in the Table of Fees.

Document that describes the contents defined for a curricular unit in a given academic year. This document is necessary for accreditation requests in other higher education institutions. the contents of these documents are presented in Portuguese and English.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Curricular Unit Certificate.

Cost: € 7.50 per curricular unit, to a maximum of € 150.
An urgency fee and translation fee apply as stipulated in the Table of Fees.

Document that describes the grades obtained in the curricular units that a student has attended under the scope of: enrolments in degree-awarding programmes; enrolment in non-degree-awarding programmes; enrolment in isolated curricular units; enrolment in ICS Schools.

Request: The requests for Transcripts of Records must be sent by email to

Cost: € 10 (PT)
An urgency fee and translation fee apply as stipulated in the Table of Fees.

Also called an Advanced Studies Diploma in some cases. Document that proves a student has been approved in the curricular component of a programme (1st curricular year) detailing the grades obtained in the various curricular units.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Diploma Curricular Component.

Cost: € 80 (PT)
An urgency fee and translation fee apply as stipulated in the Table of Fees.

Document that proves a student has been approved in a post-graduation course detailing the grades obtained in the various curricular units.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Diploma (PG).

Cost: € 80 (PT)
An urgency fee and translation fee apply as stipulated in the Table of Fees.

Documents that prove the award of the title of Master or Doctor after the approval of the defence of the final work, called a viva. These documents are issued by the Universidade de Lisboa.

Request: Through the FenixEdu platformmyFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Certificate of Degree and Diploma.

Cost: Certificate of Degree € 38
  Certificate of Degree (2nd Issue) € 25
  Master's Diploma € 125
  Master's Diploma (2nd Issue) € 80
  Doctorate Diploma € 175
  Doctorate Diploma (2nd Issue) € 80

Note: These documents may be requested in Portugues or in English without an added cost.

Bilingual document that complements a diploma (degree and non-degree awarding diplomas) which aims to contribute to improving international transparency and equitable academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.) by identifying the following information:

  • Description of the Portuguese higher education system and its framework in the education system at the time of obtaining the diploma.
  • Characterization of the institution that provided the education and awarded the diploma.
  • Characterization of the training carried out (degree, area, access requirements, normal duration, level) and its objectives.
  • Inclusion of detailed information on the training carried out and the results obtained.
  • Inclusion of additional information on extracurricular activities, duly certified, to be added to the student's curriculum.

Request: This document must be requested by e-mail to

Cost: 1st Issue - Free | 2nd Issue - € 25

Other Requests

The doctorates' room (room 1.10) has 36 lockers to be assigned annually to ICS students. The use of the lockers must be done in accordance with the norms established in the Regulamento de Utilização dos Espaços e Recursos para Estudantes, articles 6, 7, and 8.

Requests for locker assignment must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform at myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Locker Assignment.

Elaboration of the Final Work

Entry into the 2nd curricular year of a Master's or PhD programme corresponds to the beginning of the development of the final work (dissertation/thesis/equivalent document).

As ​​stipulated in article 30 of the Regulamento de Estudos de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Lisboa, the final work is subject to registration within 60 work days after enrolment in the study cycle, in case of attendance of the an advanced studies programme is not foreseen, or within 60 work days after completion of the advanced studies programme if it is planned.

The registration of the final work theme must be submitted through the FenixEdu platform by selecting the options myFenix > Services > Requisitions > Select the option Create > Requisition Type: Registration of Thesis Theme. As foreseen in the Academic Calendar, after enrolling in the 2nd curricular year, the student must submit the registration of the final work theme until 30th November.

Students are responsible for updating this registration, which can be requested through a new submission of the same request, in the same place, whenever any of its components change (title, keywords, supervisors, branch/specialty, among others).

The registration of the thesis theme, for PhDs, is valid for 5 academic years. At the end of this period, students that have not finished their final work and wish to proceed with its elaboration must submit an application for re-entry to the programme and submit a new registration.

See here all the information regarding the registration, preparation and delivery of the final work.


The elaboration of a doctoral thesis in international cotutelle applies to doctoral students at the Universidade de Lisboa who, within the scope of the elaboration of a doctoral thesis in similar doctoral programmes recognized as such by ULisboa and by a foreign partner university institution, carries out this component of the doctoral programmes under the guidance of at least one professor from each university.

The total period of work to be defined in the agreement must comprise a period of 2 to 5 years, and the elaboration of the agreement presupposes that the doctoral student has obtained approval in the respective advanced studies programme (1st curricular year), being able to enrol in thesis elaboration.

For more information, please consult theRegulamento de Elaboração de Tese de Doutoramento em Regime de Cotutela Internacional da Universidade de Lisboa.

The European Doctorate is a title associated to the title of Doutor that is confered by European universities, not consisting of an academic degree in itself. The Universidade de Lisboa grants this title under the scope of the Regulamento para Atribuição pela Universidade de Lisboa do Título de Doutoramento Europeu.

Students who meet the following conditions may apply for the award of this title:

  1. The student must be enrolled in a doctorate at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais;
  2. The student must have carried out a research stay of no less than one trimester, to prepare the doctoral thesis, at a university or research institution in a European country other than Portugal, which must be duly certified by the same;
  3. The composition of the jury for the viva must include a member from a higher education institution in a European country other than Portugal and must have complied with the legislation in force, as well as with the regulations regarding the award of the Doutor degree by the Universidade de Lisboa;
  4. The president of the jury has obtained two positive declarations regarding the thesis presented, issued by two professors belonging to two higher education institutions in two European countries other than Portugal, opinions that must be explicitly mentioned in the minutes of the first meeting of the jury, which will be integral part;
  5. In the viva, part of the presentation of the thesis must take place in an official European language other than Portuguese, which must also be explicitly stated in the minutes of the viva.

To request the attribution of this title, the student must submit, with the application for admission to academic tests, a requisition directed at the Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa and proof of the research stay carried out under the conditions mentioned above in no. 2.

For more information, please visit the Universidade de Lisboa's page on European Doctorate.

Tuition and Fees

The Regulamento de Propinas da Universidade de Lisboa regulates the matters associated with the learning costs that students must contribute through the payment of an attendance fee to the institutions where they are enrolled, known as a tuition fee. The fees for each academic act are periodically set in a specific table.


Research Activity Support Grants

The research activity support grants for doctorate students are financial supports for presentation of communications at international conferences, short term stays at foreign universities and carrying out field work.


School Insurance

In the event of an accident, the student must submit a Personal Accident Claim form to the insurance company, after being validated by the Serviço de Gestão Académico. This document must be accompanied by a medical note issued at the health care unit to which the student went.

Policy: Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS-ULisboa)
VAT no.: 506 101 347
No. ES64523925


ICS Resources

The ULisboa institutional account is created when a student becomes associated to any school of the Universidade de Lisboa. This account allows access to features such as:

  • E-mail (through Gmail)
  • Office365
  • Zoom platform 
  • OneDrive space
  • Wireless network (Eduroam)
  • VPN (via Global Protect)

When the user's link to the school terminates, the ULisboa account remains, despite losing functionality (Office365, for example).

The credentials that the student defines for the institutional account will become their credentials for accessing the FenixEdu platform (through the option "Login ULisboa").

We remind you that all internal communications will be made to institutional accounts, so students must guarantee their access to the account. If necessary, you may request the recovery of your access throught the Portal do Utilizador, where you must enter your personal email address with which you initially registered at ULisboa. Students may also activate the automatic forwarding of emails following the instruction available here.

For more information about the ULisboa account, visit

A conta ICS é uma conta de acesso local que expira quando o vínculo ao Instituto de Ciências Sociais termina. Esta conta permite o acesso a recursos internos do ICS, tais como:

The ICS account is a local access account that expires when the association to the Instituto de Ciências Socias ends. This account allows access to internal ICS resources such as:

  • ICS Computers (Room 2.06, 2nd floor)
  • Wireless Network (Eduroam)
  • ICS Library Database
  • VPN (via Global Protect)
  • Multifunction printers
    • With the exception of the 1st floor, all other floors of the ICS building have multifunction printers.
    • Each student has a quota of 1,000 prints per year.

Information regarding account creation and access is available on the FenixEdu platform. After changing the password, if you cannot access it, you should contact

The ICS has two study rooms, open from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm:

  • Room 1.10, on the 1st floor, with 18 work places and individual lockers. Lockers must be ordered through the FenixEdu platform.
  • Room 2.06, 2nd floor, with 9 seats and computers whose access is guaranteed with an ICS account..

The use of spaces must be in accordance with the Regulamento de Utilização dos Espaços e Recursos para Estudantes.


The ICS Library has as its primary functions the acquisition, document processing, reproduction and dissemination of documentary collections as well as the responsibility for adopting measures for their preservation and conservation. As it is a Research and Higher Education library, it follows the paradigm of current libraries, being the vehicle of change in the promotion and development of new services and tools in access to information. It thus promotes services related to the management of digital content, user training, and the management and validation of data and scientific research indicators.

In order to take advantage of this service and its resources, new students must go to the Library, which, in turn, will finalize the user file, crossing the data received via Fénix with the Khoa system.

Schedule: Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Contacts: / 217 804 732

  1. Definition of the development strategy in the various environments, namely in relation to the acquisition of monographs for the general fund, subscriptions to magazines/databases and equipment and new services;
  2. Organization of acquisition/exchange/offer processes of the entire documentary fund;
  3. Cataloging, classifying, indexing and quoting documents;
  4. Compliance with existing rules on borrowing, reproduction and dissemination of documentary collections and ensuring the adoption of measures for their preservation and conservation;
  5. Compliance with the documentation handling rules and proceed with its technical handling;
  6. Ensure interlibrary loan service and cooperate with similar services and institutions in sharing information and resources;
  7. Curatorship of the Institute's scientific production (reception, processing and validation);
  8. Contribution to the visibility of the scientific production of ICS-ULisboa through the availability of publications in repositories and other databases;
  9. Promotion, compliance and dissemination of national and international policies related to Open Science;
  10. Bibliometric Data Collection.

Home (ICS)

The student may request up to 10 books, simultaneously, for a maximum period of 1 (one) month. If there are users interested in consulting works on loan, a loan period of 1 (one) week is guaranteed, after which the Library sends an email with the title Request for return.

A renewal can be carried out by email or phone, for the same period, before the expiration date and provided that there is no reservation for another user.

Home (ISCTE)

The student can directly request a publication by simply indicating the name, according to the rules and deadlines in force in the ISCTE Library.


Whenever a document is not part of the documentary fund, it can be requested from the Library, via email, which, in turn, will see the possibility of a national or international loan.

The Library has the locker Out of hours Library, located on floor 0, available for returning books. Alternatively, publications can be left at reception.

The Library acquires materials necessary for research and teaching activities. The student may formalize a bibliography purchase through the form available for this purpose at: https://www

In the acquisition proposal, the name and course that the student attends must always be indicated. Purchase orders can be sent until October 15th, with proposals received later being carried over to the following year.

As soon as the work is available for collection, or if it is not possible to fulfill the request, an email will be sent by the Library.

The library provides a series of databases of periodicals and e-books, subscribed in its own name, or in consortium with other ULisboa schools/libraries. All resources are available via the library page. You can access databases such as: J-stor, Cambridge Histories Online, Oxford Handbooks Online, Taylor and Francis, etc. Also available is the Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS), which allows you to search all ULisboa resources at the same time.

Access to electronic resources is via IP at the ICS facilities, and via WebVPN whenever you are away, having to install it. Instructions at:

By booking through the email address, it is possible to schedule actions training to support students for bibliographic research in the EDS catalog and search engine, as well as in signed databases and bibliographic management software (Mendeley and Zotero). Clarifications are also provided on where to publish, publishers and classification systems through the work developed with the Web of Knowledge, Scopus and Capes platforms.

The Library also supports the creation and management of Orcid and Google Scholar research profiles. 

Students affiliated to the Instituto de Ciências Sociais can deliver their scientific production to the Library, on paper, or send it in PDF format, to the email, or self-deposit the same in the Repository upon prior registration. The ICS follows the national and European predispositions regarding Open Access and all the scientific production of the ICS is deposited in the ULisboa Repository, which proves to be an excellent tool in the individual management of publications.

Standards for ICS institutional affiliation:

1) Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Av. Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt 9, 1600-189 Lisboa, Portugal
2) Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt 9,
1600-189 Lisboa, Portugal.

The Library disseminates all the scientific production of the ICS through a Bibliographic Bulletin sent to the community via mailing list. Proceeds  also the dissemination of novelties in the interior and exterior windows of the Library, as well as the exhibition of author/ICS books and articles in periodical publication in areas outside the library.
The Library also feeds its Facebook page with  news:

Services' Schedules and Contacts

The Serviço de Gestão Académica is responsible for the administrative management of the ICS teaching offer, support for government bodies and the processing and circulation of information of academic interest. Requests for the issuance of documents such as certificates and certificates must be made through the FenixEdu platform. The service operates on the 2nd floor, offices 2.04 and 2.05.

Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Contacts: / +351 217 804 764

The Serviço de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação operates on 2nd floor, office 2.11. Support requests must be made by email to the address

Schedule: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

The Arquivo de História Social (AHS) was created in 1978 with the objective of safeguarding documentation of social movements that were at risk. Since then, it has been enriched with numerous collections of high historical value that receive adequate archival treatment. Currently, the AHS provides important sources for the study of the history of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

The AHS collections cover different themes, such as anarchism, colonialism, feminism, working classes, African nationalist movements, student organizations or the Portuguese revolutionary process. The AHS also has documentation of stately and agricultural houses as well as an important collection of World War II propaganda.

The AHS Database, which is freely accessible online, contains more than 12 thousand records and about three thousand scanned documents corresponding to about 15 thousand images.

Schedules: Monday to Wednesday, from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, and Thursday until 1 pm by appointment
Contacts: / +351 217 804 728

The Social History Archive is located in the ICS Library space.

The ICS Library's primary functions are the acquisition, document processing, reproduction and dissemination of documentary collections, as well as the responsibility for adopting measures for their preservation and conservation. As it is a Research and Higher Education library, it follows the paradigm of current libraries, being the same, vehicles of change in the promotion and development of new services and tools in access to information. It thus promotes services related to the management of digital content, user training, and the management and validation of data and scientific research indicators.

Schedule: Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Contacts: / +351 217 804 732

The Imprensa de Ciências Sociais is a Portuguese university press created by the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the Universidade de Lisboa. It publishes research papers and essays in the social sciences, namely in the areas of sociology, history, anthropology, political science, social psychology, international relations and economics, as well as in interdisciplinary domains and topics.

The Imprensa de Ciências Sociais is affiliated to the Associação Portuguesa de Editores Livreiros (APEL) and the Associação Portuguesa de Editoras do Ensino Superior (APEES)

Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Contacts: / +351 217 804 761

The Análise Social is the leading Portuguese journal in the social sciences and in the field of Portuguese studies. For more than half a century, the journal has maintained its innovative nature due to its ability to attract works that result from top research, both theoretically and empirically, and to the originality and importance of the topics covered.

The Análise Social is a multidisciplinary journal, specialized in the areas of Sociology, History, Anthropology, Political Science and Social Psychology. It is published four times a year and is indexed in several databases. It has a rigorous system of scientific arbitration. This journal provides free and immediate public access to all its content.

Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Contacts: / +351 217 804 761

The Imprensa de Ciências Sociais has a bookstore located in the atrium of the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the Universidade de Lisboa.

Schedule: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Studying and Living at ULisboa

Currently, ULisboa is the largest university in Portugal and one of the largest in Europe. Located in the heart of the city, it offers its entire community one of the best and most diversified training offers and promises to be a unique enriching experience. Here is a set of information that will certainly be useful for your academic career at ICS and at the University of Lisbon.


The Student Card - Caixa IU is provided by Caixa Geral de Depósitos and is the debit card that identifies students at the Universidade de Lisboa. You can use it for:

  • Payments in thousands of commercial establishments, in Portugal and abroad;
  • Bank account inquiries and cash withdrawals;
  • Internet shopping via MBNet.

With this card, which has no annual fees, you also have discounts from more than 280 partners that you can get to know on the Caixa IU.

At the university, the card facilitates the management of some areas, namely the use of libraries and, in ICS, multifunction printers.

The card can be ordered online, through CaixaOnboarding. If you are unable to place the order online, you must go to a Caixa Geral de Depósitos branch. If necessary, you can also request the renewal of your card at the counter.

The Student Ombudsman is an independent body of the Universidade de Lisboa whose function is to defend and promote the rights and interests of students within the scope of the university.

The Universidade de Lisboa has a set of 9 Food Units. Most Food Units allow their users to choose one of the available dishes from the meat, fish, diet or lacto-ovo vegetarian meal options.

The Universidade de Lisboa has University Residences to house students, teachers and researchers.

There are 16 university residences for the accommodation of students from the Universidade de Lisboa enrolled in undergraduate and master's courses. Requests for accommodation, in this case, must be made directly by students to the Social Services of the Universidade de Lisboa.

Students enrolled in doctoral courses, professors and/or researchers at the Universidade de Lisboa must request accommodation by email to the Serviço de Gestão Académica of the ICS-ULisboa (

Located in Campo Grande and open 24 hours a day, every day, Caleidoscópio has a study room with 175 seats, an exhibition area of 140 mand an Amphitheater with a capacity of 72 seats. You also have access to the wireless network Eduroam and printing equipment.

The cultural and associative experience is an integral part of the Universidade de Lisboa.

Throughout the year, in the various spaces of ULisboa, numerous cultural initiatives are held, including exhibitions, concerts, conferences, seminars, congresses, among other events. Learn more at ULisboa Cultural Agenda.

The Universidade de Lisboa integrates a set of specialized units that aim to promote sport, health and well-being among its academic community. You can find more detailed information at:

The public car park at Cidade Universitária is managed by EMEL. For more information, please visit

The Universidade de Lisboa integrates several green spaces in the city of Lisbon that constitute a valuable natural, historical and scientific heritage, highlighting the Botanical Garden of Ajuda, the Tapada da Ajuda, the Botanical Garden of Lisbon and the Tropical Botanical Garden. For more information, visit the Gardens of the Universidade de Lisboa.

The ULisboa Museums play an important role not only in the conservation but also in the dissemination of scientific collections , also stimulating the cultural life of the university and the city of Lisbon.

These spaces, open to the general public, also contribute to a greater understanding of the history and scientific evolution of various areas of knowledge, such as Zoology, Astronomy, Geosciences, Mineralogy, Geology, Anthropology, among others.

The programming of ULisboa Museums is diversified, including exhibitions, guided tours, conferences, as well as other educational, cultural and leisure activities throughout the year.