

PASSDA - Collects, analyses, and archives data on social and political attitudes and behaviours, for the use of the entire research community. Coordinated by ICS, it articulates the Portuguese components of two European research infrastructures — European Social Survey-ERIC and CESSDA-ERIC — and is part of the Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures.

CEP - Portuguese Voting Behaviour, a research program on electoral behaviour and political attitudes among the Portuguese, integrated in several international research networks, such as CSES (Comparative Study of Election Systems) and CNEP (Comparative National Elections Project).

ASP - Portuguese Social Attitudes, a research program on the values and attitudes of the Portuguese vis-à-vis several aspects of their social and civic life, linked to international networks of comparative and longitudinal studies, such as European Social Survey-ERIC , the International Social Survey Programme and the European Values Study. 

XLab - an experimental lab whose main goal is the study of decision making process and economic, political, and social behaviours.

APIS - The Portuguese Archive of Social Information (APIS) is a scientific infrastructure acting on the domain of preservation and dissemination of social science data. Based at Instituto de Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon, the archive works towards the acquisition and sharing of digital data for the purposes of public consultation, secondary analysis and pedagogical use. The archive comprises a range of datasets provided by research projects of the national scientific community.