Working papers

Working papers

The ICS has made two collections of social science studies available in electronic form. These are authored by its researchers, collaborators, postgraduate students and visiting researchers. The aim of both collections is to promote broader knowledge and discussion of the academic work undertaken at the ICS. These collections are a dynamic platform for the online publishing of articles in the social sciences. 

ICS Working Papers - ISSN 2183-6930 contain draft versions of articles, book chapters and conference presentations which have not yet been accepted for publication, but have been submitted for evaluation. Articles already published or in their final version for publication are not accepted. 

ICS Studies and Reports - ISSN 2183-6922 contain in progress or completed research reports which by their nature are not suitable for presentation as papers. The aim of this collection is to the results of academic research online before they are published in other formats. 

In submitting a proposal, authors consent to their articles being freely cited, once they have been published on this site, without prior permission. They also agree to their articles being placed in the repository of the University of Lisbon. 

All submissions are assessed by an Editorial Committee which examines their suitability for the collections and informs authors of its decisions. 

Members of the Editorial Committee: João Vasconcelos (chairman), Andrés Malamud, AnnaRita Gori, Filipa Lowndes Vicente, João Morais Mourato, Pedro Alcântara da Silva, Rui Costa Lopes, Vanessa Cunha.

Rules for Authors

Submissions must comply with the standards for collections set down in ICS Working Papers and ICS Studies and Reports. Each submission must be contained in a single file in Word or compatible format and delivered by electronic mail to