Make the! Accelerate Youth Guarantee implementation in Portugal, increasing the number of young NEET registered in the system and the partnership's efficiency

Make the! Accelerate Youth Guarantee implementation in Portugal, increasing the number of young NEET registered in the system and the partnership's efficiency

The Youth Guarantee (YG) is an initiative adopted at European level, in a context where a large number of young people are not in employment, education or training, and seeks to ensure that these young people benefit from education opportunities, training, traineeship or employment within four months after they have been unemployed or out of formal education.

The YG, thus, has a double challenge: to find answers to the young people who went proactively to the Public Employment Service and simultaneously find strategies to try to reach young people not registered by the Public Employment Service.

By tradition, Member States have always been more focused and more committed to designing active employment policies that were intended to the group of registered - the "formally" unemployed.

This proposal has a challenge ahead, first, to identify and flag the NEET more distant from the system, and in sequence (re) gain their confidence. The trust factor is of utmost importance. Some of these young people do not seek the "system" because they do not trust it. They believe that having more or less qualifications is indifferent and that seeking employment is not worth it because they will not succeed.

Therefore, the main goals of this action-based project are:

  • to invest in raising young people and civil society knowledge of the YG answers to increase the number of NEET registered in YG system
  • to increase and turn more effective the partner’s network to identify/registered not registered NEET and also to improve the efficiency  of attendance/ guidance partners

In this partnership OPJ assumes the role of lead evaluation partner, and its main responsibilities are:

  • to provide technical and scientific consultancy through the whole period of execution of the project;
  • to perform monitoring and evaluation procedures of planned activities, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies and analytical tools;
  • to elaborate interim reports and briefs, to be discussed with consortium members.


Participant entity
Comissão Europeia
Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional
Comissão Europeia IEFP -Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional TESE - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Sair da Casca - Consultoria e Comunicação em desenvolvimento Sustentável, SA

Young NEET, Youth Guarantee, Education and training, Employment and apprenticeship

The Youth Guarantee (YG) is an initiative adopted at European level, in a context where a large number of young people are not in employment, education or training, and seeks to ensure that these young people benefit from education opportunities, training, traineeship or employment within four months after they have been unemployed or out of formal education.

The YG, thus, has a double challenge: to find answers to the young people who went proactively to the Public Employment Service and simultaneously find strategies to try to reach young people not registered by the Public Employment Service.

By tradition, Member States have always been more focused and more committed to designing active employment policies that were intended to the group of registered - the "formally" unemployed.

This proposal has a challenge ahead, first, to identify and flag the NEET more distant from the system, and in sequence (re) gain their confidence. The trust factor is of utmost importance. Some of these young people do not seek the "system" because they do not trust it. They believe that having more or less qualifications is indifferent and that seeking employment is not worth it because they will not succeed.

Therefore, the main goals of this action-based project are:

  • to invest in raising young people and civil society knowledge of the YG answers to increase the number of NEET registered in YG system
  • to increase and turn more effective the partner’s network to identify/registered not registered NEET and also to improve the efficiency  of attendance/ guidance partners

In this partnership OPJ assumes the role of lead evaluation partner, and its main responsibilities are:

  • to provide technical and scientific consultancy through the whole period of execution of the project;
  • to perform monitoring and evaluation procedures of planned activities, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies and analytical tools;
  • to elaborate interim reports and briefs, to be discussed with consortium members.


Coordenador Geral 
Vítor Moura Pinheiro
Coordenador ICS 
Referência externa 
Start Date: 
End Date: 
16 meses