The political dialogue in education and the social construction of School for Everybody (SFE)
The political dialogue in education and the social construction of School for Everybody (SFE)
Political dialogue constitutes an important tool in the management and development of educational systems, as well as in improving the quality of education. Either in the agenda of cooperation organizations for bi- or multilateral development, or in national concerns, perspectives and realities, this is an increasingly relevant issue. The IBE, founded in 1934 (by Jean Piaget) has a long history of experience in promoting political dialogue, namely through International Conferences of Education, and received, from 2002 onwards, a mandate to develop a conceptual analysis, as well as a methodology and practical modes of action on this subject.
Political dialogue, at a national or international level, is an important condition and also a way to improve the democratic functioning of education, in order to achieve the defined goals and a more efficient use of the resources available.
This is therefore a research-action-training project that involves politicians and directors from Ministries and official Service Departments of countries from several African regions.
Since 2005, I have been following this project as an invited expert, having participated in dozens of seminars, where the objectives were to strengthen the skills of the participants regarding, for example, the construction of a prospective vision, conciliation, negotiation, communication and also the constitution of internal and external partnerships.
In 2006, it was decided, based on an agreement between IBE and ADEA (Agence pour le Développement de l'Education en Afrique) that the materials used in these seminars would be translated into a "Boîte à outils" (training modules) that would allow the scope of the work carried out to be extended.
Political dialogue constitutes an important tool in the management and development of educational systems, as well as in improving the quality of education. Either in the agenda of cooperation organizations for bi- or multilateral development, or in national concerns, perspectives and realities, this is an increasingly relevant issue. The IBE, founded in 1934 (by Jean Piaget) has a long history of experience in promoting political dialogue, namely through International Conferences of Education, and received, from 2002 onwards, a mandate to develop a conceptual analysis, as well as a methodology and practical modes of action on this subject.
Political dialogue, at a national or international level, is an important condition and also a way to improve the democratic functioning of education, in order to achieve the defined goals and a more efficient use of the resources available.
This is therefore a research-action-training project that involves politicians and directors from Ministries and official Service Departments of countries from several African regions.
Since 2005, I have been following this project as an invited expert, having participated in dozens of seminars, where the objectives were to strengthen the skills of the participants regarding, for example, the construction of a prospective vision, conciliation, negotiation, communication and also the constitution of internal and external partnerships.
In 2006, it was decided, based on an agreement between IBE and ADEA (Agence pour le Développement de l'Education en Afrique) that the materials used in these seminars would be translated into a "Boîte à outils" (training modules) that would allow the scope of the work carried out to be extended.