Philosophy, Medicine and society

Philosophy, Medicine and society

The specificity of Medicine within the field of knowledge appears, from the very beginning, in the way it relates both to its history and to local traditions. As a matter of fact, the extraordinary progress of medicine since the beginning of the 19th century - to which the foundation of the Hospital is not extraneous - does not make traditional medical procedures and views out of interest.  Unlike other modes of knowledge, the bond between tradition and innovation is congenital to modern science, there lying a point of affinity between human and social sciences and medicine. This affinity is even closer concerning the immanent problematicity of medical knowledge and its exercise. To sum up, medicine raises questions of intelligibility regarding the status of medical knowledge, the necessity or contingency of pathologies, as well as the ways of connecting the local and the global, the individual and the universal, order and disorder. These are typical questions posed by the human and social sciences, and therefore they must be inquired into.

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Inteligibilidade médico-filosófica, Ethos médico

The specificity of Medicine within the field of knowledge appears, from the very beginning, in the way it relates both to its history and to local traditions. As a matter of fact, the extraordinary progress of medicine since the beginning of the 19th century - to which the foundation of the Hospital is not extraneous - does not make traditional medical procedures and views out of interest.  Unlike other modes of knowledge, the bond between tradition and innovation is congenital to modern science, there lying a point of affinity between human and social sciences and medicine. This affinity is even closer concerning the immanent problematicity of medical knowledge and its exercise. To sum up, medicine raises questions of intelligibility regarding the status of medical knowledge, the necessity or contingency of pathologies, as well as the ways of connecting the local and the global, the individual and the universal, order and disorder. These are typical questions posed by the human and social sciences, and therefore they must be inquired into.

a) To deepen the bound between Human and Social Sciences and Medicine, exploring their mutual inteligibility; <br />b) To define the specificity of Medicine within the field of knowledge in general; <br />c) To investigate the extent to which the quality of doctor-patient relationship contributes to the efficacy of medical acts;<br />d) To show the relevance of Human and Social Sciences in the work of some doctors (such as Sanches, Glisson, Stahl, Pinel and Claude Bernard) and the impact of their work on these sciences;<br />e) To understand different manners of articulating tradition and innovation in Medicine; <br />f) To grasp the scientific and socio-cultural meaning of the foundation of the Hospital in the 19th Century;<br />g) To scrutinize the most relevant debates and controversies not only within medical science but also between doctors and social scientists (ex. debate on judiciary astrology, between Descartes and Regius, between Leibniz and Stahl, and the debate on anaeshesia at the first half of the 19th century); <br />h) To characterize the medical ethos and analyse the main issues currently at stake in the field of Bioethics.
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