MuVe - Values and attitudes towards new models of sustainable economic development: the views of entrepreneurs, mayors and the general public

MuVe - Values and attitudes towards new models of sustainable economic development: the views of entrepreneurs, mayors and the general public

This project aims to profile the willingness of 3 target groups (i.e. entrepreneurs, mayors and the general public) to change towards more sustainable economic development models.

The accumulation of operational flaws in a wide range of public and private systems, accentuated by the recent economic crisis, has prompted a series of prospective studies by a number of think-tanks and international, EU and national bodies. Although different in character and scope, all of them underline the need for a transition to new models of economic development, stressing that this transition demands major cultural changes.

The three core research stages are:

. The construction of a benchmark Transition Agenda, based on a set of converging and contrasting aspects taken from prospective studies, in order to gauge the willingness to change of the selected target groups;

. The construction of a multidisciplinary analytical framework based on the theories of transition, social change and human values. In this stage the aim is to clarify how the "cultural" dimension (values and attitudes) may affect the intensity, direction, pace and forms of suggested changes;

. The construction of a typology based on the results of surveys given to business people, mayors and the general public in mainland Portugal, identifying the links between independent variables (the willingness to change and the direction of change) and dependent variables (socio-structural aspects, attitudes and values of those surveyed).

. Budget: €114.000

. End Date: September 2013


Participant entity
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (FFMS)

social attitudes, sustainable development, Portuguese economy, transition

This project aims to profile the willingness of 3 target groups (i.e. entrepreneurs, mayors and the general public) to change towards more sustainable economic development models.

The accumulation of operational flaws in a wide range of public and private systems, accentuated by the recent economic crisis, has prompted a series of prospective studies by a number of think-tanks and international, EU and national bodies. Although different in character and scope, all of them underline the need for a transition to new models of economic development, stressing that this transition demands major cultural changes.

The three core research stages are:

. The construction of a benchmark Transition Agenda, based on a set of converging and contrasting aspects taken from prospective studies, in order to gauge the willingness to change of the selected target groups;

. The construction of a multidisciplinary analytical framework based on the theories of transition, social change and human values. In this stage the aim is to clarify how the "cultural" dimension (values and attitudes) may affect the intensity, direction, pace and forms of suggested changes;

. The construction of a typology based on the results of surveys given to business people, mayors and the general public in mainland Portugal, identifying the links between independent variables (the willingness to change and the direction of change) and dependent variables (socio-structural aspects, attitudes and values of those surveyed).

. Budget: €114.000

. End Date: September 2013


<p>2. Outline of theoretical, methodological and governance guidelines that allow to further understand and steer the relationship between cultural factors (values, attitudes) and the change towards a more sustainable economic development. </p><p> </p>
State of the art: 
National network
Alice Ramos
Luís Balula

Valores e atitudes

Coordenador ICS 
Referência externa 
Start Date: 
End Date: 
21 meses