

This project evolves from the earlier "Circulação transnacional, fronteiras e identidades", within which I developped conceptual work and expanded teh scope of reference. In teh year 2010, I will organize to lines of work

1. "OS FILHOS DE MARIA INDIA", OR "THE OFFSPRING OF MARIA INDIA".  This line of work will follow the outcomes and reactions to the article "Maria India, ou a fronteira da colonização", published in Horizontes Antropologicos, available on line at


This article focused on a character who had been born at the ship India bewteen Funchal and Moçamedes in 1884, and whose tubstone I "discovered" during a field trip to Southern Angola, Maria India; through the few elements available for her story I attempted to discuss teh experience of the migrant/settler communities involved in teh early colonization of southern Angola.  Since the publication of this article (at first considered scpeculative) I was solicited by a number of descendants, previously unknown to me and to one another) that are spread through the world (south africa, brazil, argentina, portugal) in order to wrok together in teh tasks of settling teh memory.

I plan to use this opportunity to implement new standards of collaborative ethnographic work, place, mobility.

2. conceptual work on DISPLACEMENT

In the spring 2010 I will teach a course titled "DISPLACEMENT: colonialism, migration and transnationalism in Lusophone societies", in which "Displacement" will be the starting point for the study of a range of classic and contemporary debates on colonialism, migration, slavery, plantation systems, gender inequities, racism, urbanization, transnationalism and global health issues. We will mostly refer to cases related to Portuguese colonialism and contemporary Portuguese-speaking societies - Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Angola, the Asian enclaves and lusophone diaspora.

Proponent entity

Displacement; Migration; Colonialism; Embodied Experience

This project evolves from the earlier "Circulação transnacional, fronteiras e identidades", within which I developped conceptual work and expanded teh scope of reference. In teh year 2010, I will organize to lines of work

1. "OS FILHOS DE MARIA INDIA", OR "THE OFFSPRING OF MARIA INDIA".  This line of work will follow the outcomes and reactions to the article "Maria India, ou a fronteira da colonização", published in Horizontes Antropologicos, available on line at


This article focused on a character who had been born at the ship India bewteen Funchal and Moçamedes in 1884, and whose tubstone I "discovered" during a field trip to Southern Angola, Maria India; through the few elements available for her story I attempted to discuss teh experience of the migrant/settler communities involved in teh early colonization of southern Angola.  Since the publication of this article (at first considered scpeculative) I was solicited by a number of descendants, previously unknown to me and to one another) that are spread through the world (south africa, brazil, argentina, portugal) in order to wrok together in teh tasks of settling teh memory.

I plan to use this opportunity to implement new standards of collaborative ethnographic work, place, mobility.

2. conceptual work on DISPLACEMENT

In the spring 2010 I will teach a course titled "DISPLACEMENT: colonialism, migration and transnationalism in Lusophone societies", in which "Displacement" will be the starting point for the study of a range of classic and contemporary debates on colonialism, migration, slavery, plantation systems, gender inequities, racism, urbanization, transnationalism and global health issues. We will mostly refer to cases related to Portuguese colonialism and contemporary Portuguese-speaking societies - Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Angola, the Asian enclaves and lusophone diaspora.

State of the art: 
This project evolves from the earlier &quot;Circula&ccedil;&atilde;o transnacional, fronteiras e identidades&quot;, within which I developped conceptual work and expanded teh scope of reference. In teh year 2010, I will organize to lines of work <p>1. &quot;OS FILHOS DE MARIA INDIA&quot;, OR &quot;THE OFFSPRING OF MARIA INDIA&quot;.&nbsp; This line of work will follow the outcomes and reactions to the article &quot;Maria India, ou a fronteira da coloniza&ccedil;&atilde;o&quot;, published in Horizontes Antropologicos, available on line at </p><p>http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0104-71832009000100003&amp;script=sci_arttext</p><p>This article focused on a character who had been born at the ship India bewteen Funchal and Mo&ccedil;amedes in 1884, and whose tubstone I &quot;discovered&quot; during a field trip to Southern Angola, Maria India; through the few elements available for her story I attempted to discuss teh experience of the migrant/settler communities involved in teh early colonization of southern Angola.&nbsp; Since the publication of this article (at first considered scpeculative) I was solicited by a number of descendants, previously unknown to me and to one another) that are spread through the world (south africa, brazil, argentina, portugal) in order to wrok together in teh tasks of settling teh memory. </p><p>I plan to use this opportunity to implement new standards of collaborative ethnographic work, place, mobility. </p><p>2. conceptual work on DISPLACEMENT</p><p>In the spring 2010 I will teach a course titled &quot;DISPLACEMENT: colonialism, migration and transnationalism in Lusophone societies&quot;, in which &quot;Displacement&quot; will be the starting point for the study of a range of classic and contemporary debates on colonialism, migration, slavery, plantation systems, gender inequities, racism, urbanization, transnationalism and global health issues. We will mostly refer to cases related to Portuguese colonialism and contemporary Portuguese-speaking societies - Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Angola, the Asian enclaves and lusophone diaspora. </p>
International network
Coordenador ICS 
Referência externa 
Start Date: 
End Date: 
24 meses