Pedro Miguel Varela Candeias
Tese / Dissertação
"Portuguese around the World": New Emigration, Integration and Transnational Practices of Portuguese in the UK and Germany
The PhD project aims to study the new Portuguese emigration (departures after 2000). It was selected as case studies the Portuguese in the UK and Germany. Theoretically it is intended to analyze indicators of integration and transnational practices with the ultimate objective to discover possible connections between the two phenomena.
Artigo em Revista
Marques, J. C.Candeias, P.Góis, P.Peixoto, J.(2021)Is the Segmented Skill Divide Perspective Useful in Migration Studies? Evidence from the Portuguese CaseJournal of International Migration and Integration Vol. 22, pp.577-598 (Published: 02 March 2020)[Artigo em Revista]
Mendes, M. M.Magano, O.Candeias, P.(2019)Des-homogeneizar os Ciganos Portugueses: perfis sociais e heterogeneidade sócio-culturalOBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales Vol. 14, 1, pp.49-87Online[Artigo em Revista]
Candeias, P.Henriques, S.(2017)Trajetórias da dependência à reintegração, pp.159Mundos SociaisOnline[Livro/Autor]
Capítulo de Livro
Peixoto, J.Oliveira, I. T. de Azevedo, J.[...]Madeira, P. M.Candeias, al.(2021)Nova emigração portuguesa: perfis, integração e expetativa. In : C. Pereira, J. Malheiros e J. Peixoto (Eds.)Três Estudos Sobre a Nova Emigração Portuguesa, pp.7-36Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-ISCTEOnline[Capítulo de Livro]
Candeias, P.Malheiros, J.Marques, J. C,Liberato, E.(2019)Portuguese Emigration to Angola (2000–2015): Strengthening a Specific Postcolonial Relationship in a New Global Framework?. In : Pereira C., Azevedo J. (Eds)New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration (IMISCOE Research Series), pp. 209-235SpringerOnline[Capítulo de Livro]
Peixoto, J.Candeias, P.Ferreira, B.Oliveira, I. T. de Azevedo, J.Marques, J. C,Góis, P.Madeira, P. M.Schiltz, A.Ferro, A.Santana, E.(2019)New Emigration and Portuguese Society: Transnationalism and Return. In : New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration (IMISCOE Research Series)Pereira C., Azevedo J. (Eds.), pp.49-72SpringerOnline[Capítulo de Livro]