«Arguing borders in the mediterranean: a seminar in two parts»

GI Seminars
Tue . 2 Apr . 13h30 to 14h50
Sala 3 | ICS-ULisboa
«Arguing borders in the mediterranean: a seminar in two parts»
Jörg Nowak

Second Session:

«The political economy of the Black Mediterranean: The role of the Portuguese economy and state for EU border surveillance»

Jörg Nowak: 
Has a Ph.D. in Political Sciences from the University of Kassel. He has worked at University of Kassel as a Visiting Professor and at the City University of Hong Kong as a Visiting Assistant Professor. 

Irene Peano (ICS-ULisboa)

Coord: Luísa Coutinho, Nuno Domingos e Patrícia Ferraz de Matos (ICS-ULisboa)