SEMINÁRIO SPARC "Early Release from Prison in time of COVID-19: 4 Determinants of Unfavourable Decisions towards Black Prisoners"

GI Seminars
Thu . 22 Oct . 14h30 to 16h00
SEMINÁRIO SPARC "Early Release from Prison in time of COVID-19: 4 Determinants of Unfavourable Decisions towards Black Prisoners"
Mariana Pires de Miranda

Mariana Pires Miranda will present research by herself and co-authors.
The title:
"Early Release from Prison in time of COVID-19: 4 Determinants of Unfavourable Decisions towards Black Prisoners"


The Abstract:

On the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the overcrowding in prisons led to efforts to decarcerate. This study analyses the support for such public measures, bringing to the table the cognitive and ideological factors known to create and maintain racial biases in the criminal system. Participants were asked to express their level of agreement with the early-release of hypothetical prisoners. Results showed participants to be less favourable to the early-release of Black compared to White prisoners, when they had committed a stereotypically Black crime. As expected, the crime congruency effect did not replicate in the case of the White prisoners. Moreover, the difference between the agreement with the release of the Black vs. the White prisoner when both committed a stereotypically Black crime was higher as the level of endorsement of Meritocracy increased. Contrastingly, anti-egalitarianism only predicted an overall disagreement with prisoners’ early-release. This paper highlights the cumulative explanation by different levels of analysis of this current problem.

(see the attached)


Link to the Seminar: