Systems of knowledge, Science and Innovation in Portugal and Spain

Systems of knowledge, Science and Innovation in Portugal and Spain

This project has been submitted to the CRUP (Committee of Vice-Chancellors of Portuguese Universities) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España, as part of the Integrated Luso-Spanish Action Programme. Its aims are to lay the foundation for a programme of research activities which will help to understand current trends in innovation systems in Portugal and Spain, as well as to assess the political, social and economic dynamics of a potential Iberian innovation system and the position of both these countries in the knowledge society. This project has been approved by CRUP and by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España.

Proponent entity
Fundação das Universidades Portuguesas
Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP)

Knowledge; Science; Innovation; Portugal and Spain

This project has been submitted to the CRUP (Committee of Vice-Chancellors of Portuguese Universities) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España, as part of the Integrated Luso-Spanish Action Programme. Its aims are to lay the foundation for a programme of research activities which will help to understand current trends in innovation systems in Portugal and Spain, as well as to assess the political, social and economic dynamics of a potential Iberian innovation system and the position of both these countries in the knowledge society. This project has been approved by CRUP and by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España.

1. To define the basis for a programme of research activities on R&D and innovation systems in Portugal and Spain; <p>2. To establish a programme of publications which will contribute to an understanding of the situation of both these countries in the realm of research in the field of this research project;</p><p>3. To draw up a research plan to promote analysis of the joint dynamics of R&D and innovation systems in Portugal and Spain, bearing in mind the specific circumstances of southern European countries.</p>
State of the art: 
Relationships between, on the one hand, the university and the world of finance and economics, and between basic research and technological applications, on the other, have undergone profound changes, and these have intensified over the last 30 years. Innovation's ability to serve as a foundation for the development of new products, processes and services has come to be seen as a factor determining the success or failure of firms and countries, with innovative capacity depending on the knowledge factor. In recent years studies of innovation systems have expanded considerably, so that there is now an abundant literature, made up of essays, works of empirical observation at various levels (national, regional and sectoral), and some comparative case studies. Out of the various approaches, the following stand out: <p>a) Economics has come to emphasize the so-called &quot;innovation system&quot; which emerged from the evolutionary tendency, the main characteristic of which, in comparison to neoclassical approaches, is the significance it attaches to institutions and learning processes (Nelson and Winter, 1982). </p><p>b) Analysis of public policy covers a number of contributions which focus on the organization and nature of state R&amp;D systems, dealing with the emergence of institutional structures and the dynamics of the relationships between political actors, as well as with the problems of governance they produce (Elzinga and Jamison, 1995). </p><p>c) Sociology also encompasses a variety of approaches to the different processes whereby knowledge is generated and used, such as &quot;mode 2&quot; of the production of scientific knowledge (Gibbons et al., 2008), the Triple Helix approach (Etzkowitz, 2003 and 2008) - in this discipline, this is the approach which has analysed in the most systematic way the systemic characteristics of scientific knowledge in its relationships to politics and productive innovation - and the analytical work of Nowotny (2005), Shinn and Ragouet (2005), Pestre (2003), and Krimsky (2004).</p><p>Existing studies of innovation systems in Spain and Portugal reflect the diversity of models and methodological options available. Research has been undertaken in both countries into concrete aspects of science policy (Sanz and Garcia, 2005; Gon&ccedil;alves, 1993; Cara&ccedil;a, 2003), knowledge production in various sectors of the academic world (Garcia and Martins, 2008; Fern&aacute;ndez Esquinas et al., 2009) and entrepreneurial innovation processes (Oliveira, 2008). There have also been studies which address jointly several aspects of their respective systems (for example, in Spain, Sebasti&aacute;n and Mu&ntilde;oz (eds), 2006; and in Portugal, Godinho, Mendon&ccedil;a and Pereira, 2007). In looking at the situation as a whole, therefore, no exhaustive study has been carried out from a unified analytical standpoint, which would make it possible to observe changing trends in both countries systematically and assess the extent of systematic inter-relationships in innovation processes in the Iberian peninsula and its ultra-peripheral Atlantic archipelagos.</p>
International network
Helena Mateus Jerónimo
Patrícia Silva
Pedro Xavier Mendonça
Rita Correia
Vitor Godói
Coordenador ICS 
Referência externa 
Start Date: 
End Date: 
23 meses