Roman Catholic Workers organization in Portugal

Roman Catholic Workers organization in Portugal

The aim of the present Project is the analytical description of the structure and action of  the Young Catholic  Industrial Workers League (in Portuguese: Juventude Operária Católica, JOC). We will start at its inception, in the ‘930 and end in the mid ‘980. We will also study its feminine  counterpart, Jocf.

We will study Joc from three angles:

a) As a member of the Portuguese Catholic Action;

b) As an element of the Industrial workers International Organization;

c) As a social actor.

The methodology implies reading the bibliography, which is small; interviewing member of Joc and Jocf; reading their press.

Proponent entity

The aim of the present Project is the analytical description of the structure and action of  the Young Catholic  Industrial Workers League (in Portuguese: Juventude Operária Católica, JOC). We will start at its inception, in the ‘930 and end in the mid ‘980. We will also study its feminine  counterpart, Jocf.

We will study Joc from three angles:

a) As a member of the Portuguese Catholic Action;

b) As an element of the Industrial workers International Organization;

c) As a social actor.

The methodology implies reading the bibliography, which is small; interviewing member of Joc and Jocf; reading their press.

<p>Description of the structure and action of the Young Catholic  Industrial Workers League (in Portuguese: Juventude Operária Católica, JOC), since its foundation till the'980. the research wil, originate at least a book.</p>
Coordenador ICS 
Start Date: 
End Date: 
84 meses