Pedro Figueiredo Neto
Pedro Figueiredo Neto (1984), anthropologist and filmmaker.
Architect from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), anthropologist from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS-Paris) and ISCTE-IUL (2016), and researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa since 2017.
With a strong ethnographic base, his research addresses issues such as forced displacement, borders and mobility, development and extractivism, refuge and violence, particularly in the African context (Angola, Zambia, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal). In addition to publications in leading journals, the multimodal component has been gaining prominence in his approach, reflected in the creation of audiovisual essays, documentary films, soundscapes, and artistic installations.
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Keywords: refuge, borders, violence, mobility, forced displacement, extractivism, development, film
Artigo em Revista
Capítulo de Livro
Designação | Encontro | Data |
“Human Rights for whom? (and for what?) Voluntourism » | Seminário no curso intensivo Europe-Africa Relations | 31/10/2018 |
Entre o desenvolvimento (in)sustentável e uma cidadania incerta. A questão dos refugiados angolanos no Campo de Meheba (Zâmbia) | Paz, Justiça e Instituições eficazes - Um caminho para o desenvolvimento sustentável | 13/09/2018 |
From refugees to development-induced-displaced-people. Which ‘durable solutions’ in the Meheba Refugee Camp, Zambia? | IASFM 17: Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large | 24/07/2018 |
“Refugee camps and the proliferation of spaces of exception” | Seminário no curso intensivo Border Crossings: European and North American Responses to Current Migration Issues | 09/07/2018 |
Moving Assemblies. Sociopolitical resistance and mobilization in Angola’s collective transport | Escola de Verão "O estudo da política em África: Métodos, objectos e temas de investigação | 03/07/2018 |
“Moving Assemblies. Sociopolitical resistance and mobilization in Angola’s collective transport” | Seminário GI - Identidades, Culturas, Vulnerabilidades | 22/06/2018 |
Questões éticas em torno dos usos de imagens em investigação” | Seminário RRI – Ética e estética | 24/04/2018 |