To come after one's own: an extensive analysis of the family in Portugal

To come after one's own: an extensive analysis of the family in Portugal

This project is based on the analysis of "family histories" made by 3rd year students of Anthropology at ISCTE since 1989. Its aim is to test the validity of the more common typologies concerning family organization in Portugal.

Proponent entity

antropologia; família; genealogia

This project is based on the analysis of "family histories" made by 3rd year students of Anthropology at ISCTE since 1989. Its aim is to test the validity of the more common typologies concerning family organization in Portugal.

The project is based on the analysis of around 500 family histories.  It aims to establish the main parameters of variation in family organization in Portugal, as well as to point towards a typology of different types of family.
State of the art: 
Este projecto pretende contribuir para o debate em torno de conceitos comparativamente menos elaborados, tais como "sociedade de providência", que tem tido tanto impacto recente nas ciências sociais portuguesas.
Antónia Pedroso de Lima
Coordenador ICS 
Start Date: 
End Date: 
60 meses
On Hold