Sacred Words. Religious agents, books and writen culture in Portugal and its empire in the Early-Modern Period (1540-1750)

Sacred Words. Religious agents, books and writen culture in Portugal and its empire in the Early-Modern Period (1540-1750)

This project aims at analysing the clerical written culture world in the early-modern Portugal and its Empire, during the Counter-Reformation period (1540-1750). If examined from the viewpoint of the cultural practices of its agents and of the circulation of their knowledge, this was a more complex world than the one described by the literature. First, the analysis of different libraries (communitarian, personal, virtual) allows the reconstruction of the world of readings of secular and regular clergy, and the identification of different intellectual profiles within the clerical agents. The study of reading practices (ritual and vocal modalities of reading, silent reading for meditation, erudite reading, etc.) which conditioned the reception of the texts, that the clergy and religious communities had at their disposal, will reinforce this image of complexity. Finally, the analysis of written practices of the Counter-Reformation clergy, focusing on some religious ‘genres', namely the ‘identity' narratives (chronics, vitae, narratives of miracles, etc.) allows a better understanding of the different meanings of written practices, of the material conditions of writing, of the discourse strategies, and of the uses of typography and written materials for religious propaganda. Finally, tgese analysis will permit to discuss the impact of these clerical cultures in the portuguese imperial experiences.   

Participant entity

Religion, Empire, Culture, Agency

This project aims at analysing the clerical written culture world in the early-modern Portugal and its Empire, during the Counter-Reformation period (1540-1750). If examined from the viewpoint of the cultural practices of its agents and of the circulation of their knowledge, this was a more complex world than the one described by the literature. First, the analysis of different libraries (communitarian, personal, virtual) allows the reconstruction of the world of readings of secular and regular clergy, and the identification of different intellectual profiles within the clerical agents. The study of reading practices (ritual and vocal modalities of reading, silent reading for meditation, erudite reading, etc.) which conditioned the reception of the texts, that the clergy and religious communities had at their disposal, will reinforce this image of complexity. Finally, the analysis of written practices of the Counter-Reformation clergy, focusing on some religious ‘genres', namely the ‘identity' narratives (chronics, vitae, narratives of miracles, etc.) allows a better understanding of the different meanings of written practices, of the material conditions of writing, of the discourse strategies, and of the uses of typography and written materials for religious propaganda. Finally, tgese analysis will permit to discuss the impact of these clerical cultures in the portuguese imperial experiences.   

This project aims, in general, at analysing the clerical written culture world in the early-modern Portugal and its Empire, during the Counter-Reformation period (1540-1750). If examined from the viewpoint of the cultural practices of its agents and of the circulation of their knowledge, this was a more complex world than the one described by the literature. This general goal is divided in particular goals: <p>i)  identification of different intellectual profiles within the clerical agents through the analysis of different libraries (communitarian, personal, virtual) </p><p>ii)  the reconstruction of the world of readings of secular and regular clergy</p>
State of the art: 
<p>During the last two decades, among the Cultural History discussions, the history of book and of reading practices has had an important development. Authors such as R. Chartier, D.F. McKenzie, A.</p><p>Petrucci or R. Darton allowed a more complex understanding of the &laquo;texts&raquo;, discussing their material and discoursive nature, their contexts of production, their circulation and reception, as well as the cultural practices created by them. These perspectives had a deep impact in the Spanish historiography, where different lines of research developed in the last years. In Portugal, the works of J.A. Carvalho, J.L. Lisboa, A. Anselmo, D.R. Curto, M. de L. Fernandes or R. Marquilhas have also given important contributes in order to identify the landscape of production, reading and circulation of texts during the early-modern period. However, the literature that combines these themes and perspectives with the clergy and the broader space of empire is almost inexistent. This research project will therefore contribute to enlarge the knowledge on these topics, at the same time that will integrate the Portuguese cultural experiences in a wider world and the international debates</p><p>Selected readings:</p><p>ANSELMO, Artur, Estudos de Hist&oacute;ria do Livro, Lisboa, 1997.</p><p>BOUZA, Fernando, El libro y el cetro. La biblioteca de Felipe IV en la Torre Alta del Alc&aacute;zar, Salamanca, 2006.</p><p>BOUZA, Fernando, Corre manuscrito. Una historia cultural del Siglo de Oro. Madrid. 2001.</p><p>CARVALHO, Jos&eacute; A. de Freitas, Lectura espiritual en la Pen&iacute;nsula Ib&eacute;rica (Siglos XVI-XVII). Programas, recomendaciones, lectores, tiempos y lugares, Salamanca, 2007.</p><p>CARVALHO, Jos&eacute; A. de Freitas (dir.), Nobres leteras... Fermosos volumes... Invent&aacute;rios das bibliotecas dos franciscanos observantes em Portugal no s&eacute;culo XV. Os tra&ccedil;os de uni&atilde;o das reformas peninsulares, Oporto, 1995.</p><p>CASTILLO G&Oacute;MEZ, Antonio (ed.), Libro y lectura en la Pen&iacute;nsula Ib&eacute;rica y Am&eacute;rica. Siglos XIII al XVIII. Salamanca, 2003.</p><p>CASTILLO G&Oacute;MEZ, Antonio (comp.), Escribir y leer en el siglo de Cervantes, Barcelona, 1999.</p><p>C&Aacute;TEDRA, Pedro M.; L&Oacute;PEZ-VIDRIERO, Mar&iacute;a Luisa (dirs.), La memoria de los libros. Estudios sobre la historia del escrito y de la lectura en Europa y Am&eacute;rica, Salamanca: 2004.</p><p>CAVALLO, Guglielmo; CHARTIER, Roger, (dirs.), Historia de la lectura en el mundo occidental, Madrid, 1998</p><p>CURTO, Diogo Ramada, Cultura escrita. S&eacute;culos XV-XVIII, Lisboa, 2007.</p><p>CHARTIER, Roger, Escribir las pr&aacute;cticas. Foucault, De Certeau, Marin, Buenos Aires, 1996.</p><p>CHARTIER, Roger, L'ordre des livres: lecteurs, auteurs et biblioth&egrave;ques en Europe entre XIVe et XVIIIe si&egrave;cles, Aix-en-Provence, 1992.</p><p>DARNTON, Robert, Gens de lettres, gens du livre, Par&iacute;s, 1992.</p><p>DOMPNIER, Bernard; FROESCHL&Eacute;-CHOPARD, Marie-H&eacute;l&egrave;ne (eds.), Les religieux et leurs livres &agrave; l'&eacute;poque moderne, Clermont-Ferrand, 2000.</p><p>FERNANDES, Maria de Lurdes C., Espelhos, cartas e guias de casamento e espiritualidade na Peninsula Iberica, 1450-1700, Oporto, 1995.</p><p>GONZ&Aacute;LEZ S&Aacute;NCHEZ, Carlos Alberto, Los mundos del libro. Medios de difusi&oacute;n de la cultura occidental en las Indias de los siglos XVI y XVII, Sevilla, 1999.</p><p>GRUZINSKI, Serge, Les quatres parties du monde. Histoire d'une mondialisation, Par&iacute;s, 2004.</p><p>LEONARD, Irving A., Los libros del conquistador, M&eacute;xico, 1953.</p><p>LISBOA, Jo&atilde;o Lu&iacute;s, Mot(dits) &eacute;crits: formes et valeurs de la diffusion des id&eacute;es au 18e si&egrave;cle au Portugal, Florencia, 1998 </p><p>MARQUILHAS, Rita, A Faculdade das Letras. Leitura e escrita em Portugal no s&eacute;culo XVII, Lisboa, 2000.</p><p>MCKENZIE, Donald F., Bibliograf&iacute;a y sociolog&iacute;a de los textos, Madrid: 2005..</p>
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End Date: 
36 meses