Migration, family and social networks relationships between Africa and Southern Europe

Migration, family and social networks relationships between Africa and Southern Europe

Looking at mobility as a human right & opportunity for individuals and families, the aim is to promote a mutual and beneficial transfer of knowledge between Portugal and Italy, in order to enrich the theoretical framework on the ways different forms of family arrangements (nuclear, patrilinear, matrilinear, poligamic, monogamic, etc.) cope with and manage migratory processes, when one or some members migrate, especially in societies of southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The general aim of the team is to explore the impact of mobility on individuals' lives, considering family and household relationships, and taking into account how integration experiences are affected by gender representations and self-perceptions. In this project we will discuss the epistemological implications and choices involved in the methods of data collection in transnational mobility studies.The aim will be reached through the exchange among experienced and younger researchers, anchored in the work plan.


Proponent entity
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Migrations, Gender, Family and Social networks

Looking at mobility as a human right & opportunity for individuals and families, the aim is to promote a mutual and beneficial transfer of knowledge between Portugal and Italy, in order to enrich the theoretical framework on the ways different forms of family arrangements (nuclear, patrilinear, matrilinear, poligamic, monogamic, etc.) cope with and manage migratory processes, when one or some members migrate, especially in societies of southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The general aim of the team is to explore the impact of mobility on individuals' lives, considering family and household relationships, and taking into account how integration experiences are affected by gender representations and self-perceptions. In this project we will discuss the epistemological implications and choices involved in the methods of data collection in transnational mobility studies.The aim will be reached through the exchange among experienced and younger researchers, anchored in the work plan.


<p>Mobility in global spaces modifies relationships between individuals and within families and households in both sending and host countries. The impacts of gender on individuals' behaviour essentially establish the long-term effects migration brings in their lives.</p><p>The project aims at going beyond the north-south, monetary-centred point of view which is not sufficient to capture the multiple effects of the migrants´ transnational economic and noneconomic connections as it underestimates the migrants' agency. Human agency influences the repercussions of movement in migrant's lives and institutions at the global level.</p><p>Results of previous projects by both Portuguese and Italian teams points out at the need to study the life of individuals in movement. The project aims at providing the scientific community, but also the policy makers, with novel and highly relevant knowledge through comparison and theoretical discussion.</p>
International network
Marianna Bacci Tamburlini
Tatiana Ferreira
Luena Marinho

FCT-CNR Migration

Coordenador ICS 
Referência externa 
Start Date: 
End Date: 
20 meses