Municipal strategies for adaptation to climate change

Municipal strategies for adaptation to climate change

ClimAdaPT.Local project was aligned with the main aims of the European Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change and of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (ENAAC), and was demonstrating that the European Economic Area Grants (EEA Grants) and the Portuguese Carbon Fund (FPC) were effectively promoting adaptation at local level in Portugal. The specific objectives of this project were: 1) the incorporation of the climate change dimension at local and municipal levels in Portugal; 2) the creation of a community of municipal officers, aware of the issue and trained in the use of tools for decision support in adaptation; 3) the promotion and provision of local knowledge on adaptation to climate change, particularly in developing strategies, planning and implementation of measures and communication of results; 4) the reduction of barriers and constraints to the involvement of local actors in processes of adaptation; and finally, 5) the integration of adaptation policies into planning and decision processes at the municipal level.


Participant entity
Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

ClimAdaPT.Local project was aligned with the main aims of the European Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change and of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (ENAAC), and was demonstrating that the European Economic Area Grants (EEA Grants) and the Portuguese Carbon Fund (FPC) were effectively promoting adaptation at local level in Portugal. The specific objectives of this project were: 1) the incorporation of the climate change dimension at local and municipal levels in Portugal; 2) the creation of a community of municipal officers, aware of the issue and trained in the use of tools for decision support in adaptation; 3) the promotion and provision of local knowledge on adaptation to climate change, particularly in developing strategies, planning and implementation of measures and communication of results; 4) the reduction of barriers and constraints to the involvement of local actors in processes of adaptation; and finally, 5) the integration of adaptation policies into planning and decision processes at the municipal level.


International network
Alexandra Baixinho
José Gomes Ferreira
Augusta Correia
Adriana Alves


Coordenador ICS 
Referência externa 
Start Date: 
End Date: 