Agriculture in Portugal: Food, development and sustainability (1870-2010)

Agriculture in Portugal: Food, development and sustainability (1870-2010)

The project unfolds in three parts. The first part is instrumental and it aims at the creation of four databases, which will allow the systematization, analysis and dissemination of information that is crucial to the development of the Portuguese agriculture studies (1870-2010). One of the databases gathers the main economic and social indicators related to agricultural goods, divided by sectors, subsectors and productive regions. Another database organizes the laws and regulations on the various aspects of production, processing, trading and consumption of agricultural goods. The third database groups the institutions that frame all the agricultural activities throughout the studied period, comprising government agencies, corporative organisms and civil society organizations. Finally, the fourth database is an inventory of printed document sources (press, reports, feedbacks, etc.), most of which produced by several state departments, agencies, corporative and academic institutions. Many of these sources, containing original information, are dispersed throughout small libraries and documentation centres, and are still unknown by most researchers. The professional expertise of the team members, that bring together experts in different disciplines and historical periods, will allow to overcome existing gaps and to select the most relevant information. The diversity of the gathered data, combined with their wide chronological and spatial coverage, gives great value to these new working tools and qualifies them as a real breakthrough in contemporary Portuguese historiography. The four databases will be available in a website to both Portuguese and international scientific communities.

The second part of the project involves the analysis of these databases, together with other information collected by the team members through different methodologies. The goal of this analysis is to elucidate the national effects of three major issues, for whose international academic debates require renewed historical and geographical approaches. One of the issues relates to the conditions of production, supply and cost of the food goods. It is necessary to connect these conditions with the major guidelines of public policies (linked to food sovereignty and integration in the dynamics of international markets), with the proposals on the modernization of agriculture, with national agro-ecological specificities, as well as with the living standards and preferences of Portuguese consumers. The second issue makes it necessary to evaluate the contributions of the primary sector to the economic growth and overall development of the country. A country that was considered backward and peripheral, where, up until the sixties, the agriculture was the main contributor to the gross domestic product. The national data and performance are already known, but almost everything about regional differences is unidentified. It is also necessary to assess the historical impacts on Portugal when joining the European Economic Community (1986) and adopting the common agricultural policy. The final issue requires that it is taken in account how historicity of sustainable practices, from production to consumption of agricultural goods, is related to public policies and development.

The third part concerns the contributions of this project for the renewal of the Portuguese agriculture and rural society historiography. And also aims to deepen the comparative dimension with Europe and the world. First, through the creation of four databases loaded with crucial information which could be the base for future studies and whose lack is felt presently at different levels. The systematization of this information is particularly important, since in Portugal (unlike what happens in, for example, Spain, France, Italy and England) general works of synthesis or sub-sector studies related to agriculture are missing. And also, because an inventory or guidebook of manuscript sources does not exist, the whereabouts of the most important documentation for the contemporary period is unknown. Second through the recognition of the "Portuguese case" in national and international academic debates were agriculture has been acquiring more relevance. These connections are favoured by the different disciplinary backgrounds of the team members and by the involvement in national and international projects or scientific networks, which have been operating for decades (like the Portuguese Society of Rural Studies, Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History, European Society for Rural Sociology, International Economic History Association), or have been recently created (like the RuralRePort - Rural History Network in Portuguese, Rural History European Organization).

Proponent entity
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Agriculture, food, development, sustainability

The project unfolds in three parts. The first part is instrumental and it aims at the creation of four databases, which will allow the systematization, analysis and dissemination of information that is crucial to the development of the Portuguese agriculture studies (1870-2010). One of the databases gathers the main economic and social indicators related to agricultural goods, divided by sectors, subsectors and productive regions. Another database organizes the laws and regulations on the various aspects of production, processing, trading and consumption of agricultural goods. The third database groups the institutions that frame all the agricultural activities throughout the studied period, comprising government agencies, corporative organisms and civil society organizations. Finally, the fourth database is an inventory of printed document sources (press, reports, feedbacks, etc.), most of which produced by several state departments, agencies, corporative and academic institutions. Many of these sources, containing original information, are dispersed throughout small libraries and documentation centres, and are still unknown by most researchers. The professional expertise of the team members, that bring together experts in different disciplines and historical periods, will allow to overcome existing gaps and to select the most relevant information. The diversity of the gathered data, combined with their wide chronological and spatial coverage, gives great value to these new working tools and qualifies them as a real breakthrough in contemporary Portuguese historiography. The four databases will be available in a website to both Portuguese and international scientific communities.

The second part of the project involves the analysis of these databases, together with other information collected by the team members through different methodologies. The goal of this analysis is to elucidate the national effects of three major issues, for whose international academic debates require renewed historical and geographical approaches. One of the issues relates to the conditions of production, supply and cost of the food goods. It is necessary to connect these conditions with the major guidelines of public policies (linked to food sovereignty and integration in the dynamics of international markets), with the proposals on the modernization of agriculture, with national agro-ecological specificities, as well as with the living standards and preferences of Portuguese consumers. The second issue makes it necessary to evaluate the contributions of the primary sector to the economic growth and overall development of the country. A country that was considered backward and peripheral, where, up until the sixties, the agriculture was the main contributor to the gross domestic product. The national data and performance are already known, but almost everything about regional differences is unidentified. It is also necessary to assess the historical impacts on Portugal when joining the European Economic Community (1986) and adopting the common agricultural policy. The final issue requires that it is taken in account how historicity of sustainable practices, from production to consumption of agricultural goods, is related to public policies and development.

The third part concerns the contributions of this project for the renewal of the Portuguese agriculture and rural society historiography. And also aims to deepen the comparative dimension with Europe and the world. First, through the creation of four databases loaded with crucial information which could be the base for future studies and whose lack is felt presently at different levels. The systematization of this information is particularly important, since in Portugal (unlike what happens in, for example, Spain, France, Italy and England) general works of synthesis or sub-sector studies related to agriculture are missing. And also, because an inventory or guidebook of manuscript sources does not exist, the whereabouts of the most important documentation for the contemporary period is unknown. Second through the recognition of the "Portuguese case" in national and international academic debates were agriculture has been acquiring more relevance. These connections are favoured by the different disciplinary backgrounds of the team members and by the involvement in national and international projects or scientific networks, which have been operating for decades (like the Portuguese Society of Rural Studies, Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History, European Society for Rural Sociology, International Economic History Association), or have been recently created (like the RuralRePort - Rural History Network in Portuguese, Rural History European Organization).

This research project has three main goals. The first one is to develop and create four databases that will systematize and disclose quantitative and qualitative information, essential to the development of studies on contemporary Portuguese agriculture. The second is to promote practices of interdisciplinary research, and, through the contribution of different study fields which have been focusing on agriculture, broaden the perspectives of analysis and expertise. In order to go deeper in the understanding of the environmental, social, economic and political impacts of different activities associated with agriculture, it is required that the current problems are examined in an historical perspective. The third aim is to produce a serial of innovative papers for conferences; journal articles and book chapters, which will allow the inclusion of the "Portuguese case" in the current international debates.
State of the art: 
In the last few years, agriculture has regained centrality in contemporary debates. In this scenario, History has been increasing its importance. On one hand, the deeper understanding of environmental, social, economic and political impacts of the activities related to agriculture requires that current matters are examined in an historical perspective. On the other hand, the tendency of different sciences to emphasize historicity of the subjects means that the past has become an explanatory resource increasingly used by researchers from different scientific backgrounds. It is a verifiable fact that in Portugal, since the Eighties, the agricultural and rural issues have lost relevance in the historic analysis. In the meantime, the scattering of the studies and the absence of a regular academic debate, has made it difficult to renew the knowledge about agricultural and rural themes (Portela and Caldas, 2003; Baptista, 2004). In the circunstances of ongoing international discussions, it becomes necessary to reevaluate the roles of agriculture in the Portuguese contemporary history and, thus, widen the comparative frame within the European and Global History. The project focuses on examining the agriculture in Portugal, between 1870 and 2010. This analysis begins in 1870, when the intensification of international trade and technological innovations boosted constant readjustments in policies, agricultural practices and European consumptions. The research extends to the present (2010), so that it is possible to integrate the Portuguese pathway in a wide time frame and in the European and worldwide context. To evaluate the transformations that, in these decades, left a mark in the primary sector is essential to understand the current Portuguese society and economy. And also to guide policies which aim at agriculture and rural development. Thus, because the historical research wishes to clarify today's questions, this project helps to deepen understand of three issues that define contemporary debates: food, development and sustainability. 1. To examine issues of production, supply and food prices. Although, historically, agriculture has fulfilled its mission of feeding the world (Frederico, 2005), this mission presents chronological and spatial differentiations that need to be clarified (O'Grada, 2009; Sen,1981). For the Portuguese case, several authors provide information about the circumstances in which national agricultural production provided, or not, the goods that the population lacked. They also indicate, sometimes, how the public policies and the market trends influenced the supply to the consumers (Reis, 1993; Baptista, 1993; Lains, 2003; Rosas, 1994). However, the different spheres of activity have been separately analyzed and studies on transformation processes and conditions of consumption of agricultural goods are rare. Once the relevance of inter-relating the various activities associated to food supply (production, trade, transformation, consumption) is recognized (Goodman, 2002), it becomes necessary to understand how the various dynamics that influence agricultural products supply and demand, are historically articulated amongst themselves. 2. The terms in which agriculture has contributed to economic growth and changes in contemporary society have been under review (Lains, Pinilla, 2009). Stepping away from the traditional view of agriculture as a mere provider of factors (manpower, raw materials, food) for industrialization, new interpretations stress the importance of the urban-industrial expansion to the development of agriculture. It is necessary to widen the integrated analysis of all sectors involved in economic development. And among other things, the institutional framework and the directing of incentives to farmers, needs to be examined (Hayami, Ruttan, 1985). For Portugal, the main economic indicators of the primary sector and its contributions to economic growth are already systematized (Brito, 2005; Lains, 2009). But it is yet to be evaluated the regional distribution according to economic sectors and productive subsectors (crops, livestock, forestry). It is therefore difficult to assess the agricultural subsectors functions and the inventory of the causes of regional differences in income distribution. A disaggregated analysis will help to understand the historicity of the country's imbalances and to introduce the Portuguese case in international debates. 3. The changes in agricultural practices and public policies orientation (especially the Common Agricultural Policy), which are more frequent since the 1990 have emphasized the sustainability of the production and the consumption of agricultural goods. Although in Portugal Environmental History didn't had the same development as compared to other countries, the negative impacts of the application of agriculture modernization models, which were growingly implemented in the West, since the Nineteenth Century, have been shown. But rather than acknowledging the conditions (ecological, social, technical, institutional, etc.), in which the productive activities took place, it is necessary to assess how the historicity of practices and sustainable knowledge can be associated with biodiversity and rural development (Ploeg, 2000; Brouwer, 2004). It is pertinent to examine how lay knowledge and scientific knowledge interconnect (Bruckmeier, Tovey, 2008; Truninger, 2010), in order to enable production models which meet the food needs of consumers, respecting social and ecological sustainability criteria. The members of this project team have been contributing to the clarification of these issues (Branco, Parejo, 2010; Figueiredo, 2008, Freire,2007,Feire 2010; Seixas, 2008), in both national and international debates. But it is clear that a deeper knowledge of the "Portuguese case" requires a wider understanding of the historicity of the questions that are present in contemporary discussions.
Victor César Pereira da Silva
Elisabete Figueiredo
Amélia Dias
Daniel Lanero Táboas
Cristina Prata
Shawn Parkhurst
Coordenador ICS 
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Start Date: 
End Date: 
40 meses