Economic outcomes flowing the from the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, 1793-1815

Economic outcomes flowing the from the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, 1793-1815

Between the outbreak of the French Revolution, 1789 and the Treaty of Vienna, 1815, Europe's national economies were afflicted by nearly three decades of intensified mercantilist warfare. The formation of an international network of economic historians would be a heuristic and logistically efficient framework for an exercise in collaborative and comparative economic history designed to expose contrasts in the economic outcomes and prospects for long term development that flowed from this conjuncture for major European economies, their colonies overseas and for the evolution of a global economy as a whole.

Entidade participante
The Leverhulme Trust - LSE
London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), Free University of Amsterdam (NL), All Souls College, University of Oxford (UK), Institute Figuelo at Universidad Carlos III (ES), University of Münster (DE), Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon (PT), Université Paris-Dauphine, DIAL-LEDa (FR), European University Institute (IT),

Between the outbreak of the French Revolution, 1789 and the Treaty of Vienna, 1815, Europe's national economies were afflicted by nearly three decades of intensified mercantilist warfare. The formation of an international network of economic historians would be a heuristic and logistically efficient framework for an exercise in collaborative and comparative economic history designed to expose contrasts in the economic outcomes and prospects for long term development that flowed from this conjuncture for major European economies, their colonies overseas and for the evolution of a global economy as a whole.

Rede Internacional

Economic Effects of Warfare 1793-1815

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