Welfare and Real Wages in Bahia, 1572-1920

Seminários GI
Seg . 6 Fev . 14h30
Sala 2 & Zoom
Welfare and Real Wages in Bahia, 1572-1920
Guilherme Lambais (ICS-ULisboa) e Nuno Palma (University of Manchester; ICS; CEPR)
GI Memória, História e Sociedade

2ª feira 6 de Fevereiro, 14:30, Sala 2

Welfare and Real Wages in Bahia, 1572-1920
Guilherme Lambais (ICS-ULisboa) e Nuno Palma (University of Manchester; ICS; CEPR)
Using new archival data, we establish for the first time prices and wages series and welfare ratios for more than three centuries for Brazil. We build skilled and unskilled real wage series for an internationally comparable barebones basket for two cities in Bahia, the heart of Brazil’s early settlement, from 1572 to 1920. We then construct welfare ratios and compare them to those of other cities in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Unskilled welfare ratios in Bahia were approximately at the same level as Lisbon. Skilled welfare ratios were comparatively high, but then converge to Lisbon levels. Contrary to conventional wisdom, however, welfare ratios did not fall in the nineteenth century.

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