Arte em contexto psiquiátrico: produzindo patrimónios difíceis

Seminários GI
Qui . 18 Abr . 11h00
Arte em contexto psiquiátrico: produzindo patrimónios difíceis

No dia 18 de abril, o Seminário do Grupo de Investigação Diversidades convida Stefanie Gil Franco, investigadora de pós-doutoramento da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. A conversa abordará algumas “coleções de arte” em contextos psiquiátricos, procurando compreendê-las no espaço histórico e no tempo presente. Serão tratadas questões sobre direitos de autor, processos de subjetivação, pertença, memória documental, patrimonialização e a promoção de discursos sobre arte e loucura. 

Stefanie Gil Franco is a fellow researcher at the Post-Doc Programme in Integral Human Development with the project “Between difficult heritages and art studios: mapping discourses and practices on art and mental health in a transdisciplinary perspective” and collaborating researcher at Museum Studies (IHA-NOVA) and at Arquivos Marginais (UDESC-Brasil).  She holds a PhD in History of Art (2019, FCSH-NOVA), a Masters in Social Anthropology (2011, FFLCH-USP) and a degree in Social Science (FESPSP, 2008). In the last few years, she has been working with psychiatric archives with special focus on art collections, holding debates on difficult heritages and unstable archives, besides working on 'madness' as a significant concept for the arts field. She has experience with organization and preventive conservation of artistic and documental archives, motivated by the academic research and her position in Banco de Arte Contemporânea-MGCC (EGEAC) where she worked for four years.

O evento terá lugar pelas 11h na Sala 2 do ICS-ULisboa e online.